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Morning glories love warmth and light

The numerous varieties and color crossings of morning glory originally come from Mexico, so they can cope well with high temperatures and a certain drought. The optimal location in the garden is:

  • protected from wind
  • as sunny as possible
  • rather calcareous in terms of substrate (morning glories don't like acidic soil)

Morning glories are sometimes very sensitive to low temperatures and waterlogging at the roots. With a canopy (as is common with tomatoes), the morning glory flowers can be protected from falling off in heavy rain.

Various climbing aids for the morning glory

So that garden fences and other trellises can be greened even faster by the morning glory, from the end of May from the seedspreferred young plants planted in the open ground. While tree trunks can also serve as a climbing aid for the morning glory in the garden, nets and bamboo sticks are ideal as climbing aids on the balcony at.


The easy Morning glory to be cared for is often used to visually beautify ugly old garden fences or stacks of firewood during the gardening season.

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