Hard-working Lieschen on the balcony

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The location needs of the hardworking Lieschen

The hard-working Lieschen gets along well with brightness, but does not tolerate the summer heat in the midday with direct sunlight. Conversely, the hard-working Lieschen also flowers very reliably in partially shaded to shady locations. The plant has a high water requirement and should never dry out completely in the root area. The hardworking Lieschen does not like waterlogging, which is why a drainage layer should be created in the planters. Ordinary Potting soil is well suited as a plant substrate for Propagation from cuttings A simple glass of water is enough for the first few weeks.

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  • Hard-working Lizzie as a flower miracle - poisonous or not?
  • The hard-working Lieschen as a true flower miracle: flowering time and helpful tips
  • Successful wintering of hard-working Lieschen

Plant the hard-working Lizzie on the balcony

Since the hard-working Lieschen is extremely sensitive to frost and also relatively cold, it should be planted on the balcony after the ice saints at average temperatures of 10 degrees Celsius. There the hardworking Lieschen

non-toxic it can also be used on balconies to be plantedthat children and pets have access to. Balconies that are not directly facing south and on which the plants are protected from wind and rain by a roof or side walls are ideal as a location. While he Heyday In summer, the plants, which need a lot of water, should be watered as daily as possible and fertilized with a little liquid fertilizer about every two weeks.

Suitable neighbors for the hard-working Lieschen on the balcony

The pretty flowers of the hard-working Lieschen look particularly attractive on the balcony when they are set in contrast to other balcony plants. Due to the needs of the location, the following types of plants are particularly suitable for a combination with the hard-working Lieschen in the balcony box:

  • Geraniums
  • Petunias
  • Lobelia

In addition, within the genus Impatiens there are different types of the hardworking lizzy with varied flower colors and shapes. Note that the double-flowering varieties of the Busy Lieschen can often only be used with cuttings multiply permit.


While some balcony plants only thrive in high plant pots, other laws apply to the hardworking Lieschen. This usually blooms particularly profusely when the roots are in a rather narrow plant pot.