Control aphids on sunflowers

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Fighting Aphids Naturally - The Best Methods

If the infestation has not yet progressed too much, a shower with normal water is often sufficient: Simply hold sunflowers cultivated in pots under the shower head for this purpose. Make sure, however, that the flowers do not get any water and that the leaves can then dry quickly - otherwise there is a risk of a subsequent mildew or other Fungal disease. If there is a strong occurrence, you should cut off particularly affected leaves and shoots and spray the plants with one of the following mixtures.

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Milk-oil mixture

A simple water-milk mixture, mixed with a few drops of vegetable oil, has always proven to be helpful in the case of aphid infestation. To do this, mix 100 milliliters of fresh whole milk with 200 milliliters of water and, if necessary, with a little rapeseed or sunflower oil. Spray the infected areas daily for one to two weeks.

Neem seeds

Neem or neem is a tree that is widespread in India, from whose fruits the seeds, which are often used in pesticides and cosmetics, are obtained. They have an insecticidal, fungicidal and antibacterial effect - insects, fungi and bacteria don't stand a chance. To combat aphids and other plant lice, you can use commercially available neem oil or approx. Pour one liter of boiling water over 50 grams of seeds and let them steep for several hours. Spray the infected areas daily for one to two weeks.

Black tea or coffee

In the case of a weak infestation, a spray cure with cooled black tea or coffee also helps very well. However, the drinks should not contain sugar or other additives.

Nettle stock

A self-made nettle brew not only reliably helps against aphids and other unwanted visitors, but also provides the plant with valuable nutrients. To do this, pour about one kilogram of freshly picked (wear gloves!) And chopped nettles with ten liters of water and let the whole thing ferment for about a week. Stir the mixture every day, you can still use a handful against the unpleasant smell Rock flour(€ 12.46 at Amazon *) Add.

Washing-up liquid

A few drops of washing-up liquid, mixed with a little alcohol (optional) in water, has also proven to be an effective anti-aphid remedy.


On the other hand, you should refrain from using remedies such as cigarette butts mixed with water or tobacco leaves: what is not good for you, your plant will certainly not like either.