24 flowering trees by color: pink, white and yellow flowers

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Whether it is a rustic cottage garden, in which everything is in bloom, or a well thought-out one The arrangement of beds is important, the color of the tree blossom plays an important role in the visual appearance of the garden Role. Different flower colors not only transform green hedges and bushes into lively rear plantings, but also highlight each other with targeted contrasts. Pink, white or yellow, here come the most beautiful flowering trees.

Pink flowering trees from A to K

Mountain cherry / scarlet cherry(Prunus sargentii)

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.6 to 1 m

Mountain cherry - scarlet cherry - Prunus sargentiiThe mountain cherry provides a colorful variety in the garden, with its flowers always contrasting strikingly with the color of the leaves. In the course of the year the tree brings out almost all reddish color nuances. During the flowering period in spring, the bright pink flowers stand out against the bronze-colored foliage. But the tree is also an eye-catcher in autumn. Even late in the year, the scarlet cherry presents itself with an orange dress of leaves. The cherries themselves are also visually tempting to be eaten. If the shiny dark red also appears appetizing, the taste turns out to be bitter.

Blood plum 'Nigra'(Prunus cerasifera)

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.3 to 0.4 m

Ornamental plum - Cherry plum - Prunus cerasifera myrobalaneCompletely in red, the blood plum attracts everyone's attention. Not only flowers and leaves stand out due to the pink or dark red color. Even the branches stand out clearly from other plants with their red-brown to black.

Copper rock pear / rock pear(Amelanchier lamarckii)

  • Flowering period: March
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.3 to 0.4 m

Copper rock pear rock pear - Amelanchier lamarckiiThe pure white flowers of the rock pear are beautiful to look at. They are actually just the forerunners of the tree's real treasure. Amelanchier lamarckii produces wonderfully sweet pears in summer. Where did the name come from? The tree probably owes this to its splendid foliage in autumn.

Canadian Judas Tree(Cercis canadensis 'Lavender Twist')

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: sunny
  • Height: 0.2 to 0.4 m

 Canadian Judas Tree, Cercis canadensisAt the sight of the flowers of the

Judasbaums' heart opens in two senses. It is interesting to see that the heart-leaved flowers unfold directly on the branches. While some trees refuse to flower after a harsh winter, the Judas tree is used to cold temperatures from its country of origin. Down to -25 ° C cannot harm it. Another advantage of the wood is that its leaves shine reddish all summer long into autumn.

Pink flowering trees from P to T

Peach 'Red Haven'(Prunus persica)

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.2 to 0.4 m

Peach Tree - Prunus persicaHere, too, the question arises as to which is more appealing: the delicate pink flowers or the delicious fruits that result from them. Insects clearly prefer the flower, around which they cavort in droves. The pink blooming tree also benefits and rewards the hard work of the insects with an even more abundant bloom in the following year. The gardener can also make his contribution by planting another tree in the immediate vicinity.

Snow cherry / winter cherry(Prunus subhirtella f. autumnalis)

  • Flowering period: November
  • Location: sunny
  • Height: 0.3 to 0.5 m

Snow Cherry - Prunus subhirtellaIf you want to add colorful accents in your own garden in late autumn, the snow cherry is the best choice. Even if the tree no longer has green leaves at this time, its pink flowers glow even on cloudy November days. An outsider among the blossoming trees? Hardly, because when the other plants sprout in spring, the winter cherry is also part of the party and impresses with its pink second bloom.

Silk tree(Albizia julibrissin)

  • Flowering period: July
  • Location: sunny
  • Height: 0.3 to 0.6 m

Silk tree - Albizia julibrissinWith the brush-like shape of the flower, the silk tree proves to be an eye-catcher in the garden. The deciduous tree, which comes from Asia, shows an extraordinary look.

Tip: Winter protection is required for the first five years.

Tulips magnolia(Magnolia soulangiana)

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: sunny and sheltered
  • Height: 0.25 to 0.45 m

Tulip Magnolia - Magnolia soulangianaWhen the cut flower of the same name is in bloom, the tulip magnolia also opens its buds in spring. In comparison, its wide crown makes a lot more impression. After flowering, the tree shows itself in green leaves.

White flowering trees from A to H

American yellowwood(Cladrastis lutea)

  • Flowering period: June
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, protected in winter
  • Height: 0.6 to 1 m

Although the blossom of the American yellowwood shines in pure white, the wood still provides color accents in the garden. The green pinnate leaves on the yellow branches are characteristic of Cladrastis lutea.

Pear quince(Cydonia)

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: full sun
  • Height: 3.5 to 5.5 m

Quince - Cydonia oblongaThe quince fruits that Cydonia produces are considered a combination of apple and pear. It also has a positive effect on the quantity of the beautiful white blossom of the pear quince, if it grows in the company of an apple quince.

Flower ash / decorative ash(Fraxinus ornus)

  • Flowering period: May
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.8 to 1 m

Flower ash, decorative ash - Fraxinus ornusThe flowery ash comes from southern Europe, but now also pleases numerous insect species in the north with its fragrant white flowers. This usually unfolds in May and lasts into June. If the temperatures are constant and mild, the bloom will already appear in April. In autumn the gardener can look forward to decoratively colored, yellow leaves.

Bodnant winter snowball 'Dawn'(Viburnum x bodnantense)

  • Flowering period: November
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.25 to 0.3 m

Winter Snowball - Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn'With the fall of the red leaves in autumn, the color spectacle of the Bodnant winter snowball does not end for a long time. The whole winter from November to April white-pink flowers adorn its branches.

Real almond tree(Prunus dulcis)

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: sunny, warm and protected
  • Height: 0.3 to 0.5 m

Almond tree - Prunus dulcisAttractive white flowers with a red center in the heart give the real almond tree Mediterranean charm. Thanks to its hardiness in the forest, it can preferably spend the winter outside.

Tip: If you choose the 'Tuono' or 'Supernova' varieties, you can even harvest edible almonds.

Hanging wild pear / willow-leaved pear(Pirus salicifosia 'Pendula')

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: full sun
  • Height: 0.4 to 0.6 m

willow-leaved pearIf the garden is limited in space, the hanging wild pear is the tree of choice. Thanks to their high cutting tolerance and leisurely growth, the gardener can adapt their size to their capacities. The silvery shimmering leaves are also visually impressive.

Tall variegated dogwood / pagoda dogwood(Cornus controversa 'Variegata')

  • Flowering period: June
  • Location: sunny to shady, slightly acidic garden soil
  • Height: 0.35 to 0.6 m

Unlike conventional dogwood, Cornus controversa 'Variegata' comes as a small tree. What is more beautiful to look at? Its white flowers or the green-white leaves that turn reddish in autumn? With these properties, the tree impresses all year round.

White flowering trees from S to Z

Snowdrop tree(Halesia monticola)

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: sunny, warm and protected
  • Height: 0.6 to 1.2 m

Snowdrop Tree - Halesia monticolaWell, the heralds of spring have got lost in the tree. At least the snowdrop tree, whose white blossoms look confusingly similar to the flowers, gives the impression of being. However, these do not pull in the head after a short time, but persist until the end of May in mild weather. In the winter

Finally, fruits adorn the bare branches.

Stone linden / winter linden(Tilia cordata)

  • Flowering period: June
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 1.5 to 3 m

Stone linden, winter linden - Tilia cordataInsect lovers cannot avoid owning a stone linden tree in their own garden. Although the inconspicuous flowers are optically hidden in the green foliage, the bewitching scent of the tree attracts attention. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies cannot resist.

Handkerchief tree(Davidia involucrata vilmoriniana)

  • Flowering period: May
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, protected
  • Height: 0.6 to 0.8 m

Oh how romantic, at the sight of the flower of Davidia involucrata vilmoriniana, the viewer would like to pull out the handkerchiefs. The up to 10 cm long flower impresses with an unmistakable look.

Bird cherry(Prunus padus)

  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: sunny to shady
  • Height: 0.6 to 1 m

Bird cherry (Prunus padus)Although the bird cherry blossoms open in spring, their true advantages show in the cold season. The tree is winter-proof and requires little light. At this time he adorns himself with small black berries.

Tip: The best time to prune is right after flowering.

Trumpet tree(Catalpa bignonioides)

  • Flowering period: June
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 1 to 1.5 m

Trumpet Tree - Catalpa bignonioidesBecause of the trumpet tree is not blooming. The original variety has white flowers with a yellow throat.

Rowanberry(Sorbus aucuparia)

  • Flowering period: May
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.6 to 1.2 m

Rowanberry Mountain Ash - Sorbus aucupariaAt the beginning of the year, rowan berries show off their large, white flowers. Later, orange-colored fruits glow on their branches, attracting numerous birds.

Tip: The rowan berries are not suitable for raw consumption, but can be processed into jelly.


  • Flowering period: May
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.4 to 0.5 m

CrabappleWhite flowers with a touch of pink. The easy-care crabapple comes from New Zealand.

Yellow blossoming trees

Cucumber magnolia(Magnolia acuminata)

  • Flowering period: June
  • Location: sunny and sheltered
  • Height: 0.8 to 1.2 m

Cucumber Magnolia - Magnolia acuminataAfter the usual magnolias have faded, this tree only takes off. But why actually cucumber magnolia? The name comes from the fruits that are reminiscent of cucumbers in autumn.

Cornelian cherry(Carnus mas)

  • Flowering period: March
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Height: 0.3 to 0.5 m

Cornelian cherry - Cornus masThe cornel cherry blossoms only after standing for several years, but patience will be rewarded. When other trees are still in hibernation, the yellow flowers appear. These later turn into red berry fruits.

Tulip tree(Liriodendron tulipifera)

  • Flowering period: May
  • Location: sunny, warm and protected
  • Height: 2 to 3.5 m

Tulip tree - Liriodendron tulipiferaThe tulip tree is suitable for large gardens because it takes up a lot of space. Because of its unusual flower shape, nobody will deny it this claim.