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Propagation by seedlings

For this very uncomplicated offspring you only need:

  • Small planters or alternatively yoghurt pots with a hole in the bottom
  • Cultivation or coconut fiber soil
  • A sharp cutting tool

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Separate a branch from the plant and carefully remove all the leaves of the branch by the third or fourth eye from the top. Shorten the shoot a little and put it in the container filled with soil. After a week or so, the small cutting begins to take root. You can move the oregano outdoors after a few weeks when it has developed vigorously. Alternatively, you can use the Seedling in a larger planter Continue cultivating on the balcony or terrace.

Grow oregano from seeds

The oregano forms numerous nuts about one millimeter in size in the faded lip flowers. You can breed a large number of offspring from these seeds yourself in a very short time.

Fill a planter with

Potting soil and scatter the seeds loosely. Since oregano is a light germ, these must not be covered with earth. Moisten the seeds with a sprayer and keep them evenly moist for the next few days.

Put a freezer bag over the cultivation vessel to create a warm, humid greenhouse climate. To prevent mold growth, do not forget to ventilate once a day. In a bright place without direct sunlight, the plants germinate after about a week. Once you have reached a size of ten centimeters, you can separate them.

Multiplication by division

This form of propagation is very easy. By dividing you not only get several oregano bushes, the plant is also rejuvenated and thus sprouts more vigorously. The right time to split the clumps is early spring. Follow these steps:

  • Carefully dig up the perennial.
  • Divide from top to bottom with a digging fork.
  • Shorten the roots a little.
  • Bury divided perennials with sufficient plant spacing.
  • Water well.


Wait about a quarter of a year until you split the first leaves Harvest oregano. By plucking the leaves early, the plant is unnecessarily weakened and as a result produces fewer leaves and essential oils.