These varieties are best known

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The honeydew melon and other sugar melons

The honeydew melon is a subspecies of the so-called sugar melons. Their best-known representatives are the following melon varieties:

  • Charentais melon
  • Cantaloupe melon
  • Galia melon
  • Futuro melon
  • Honeydew melon or yellow canary

also read

  • The origin of the honeydew melon
  • Can you freeze a honeydew melon?
  • The season of the honeydew melon

While the Charentais melon is relatively small, a honeydew melon can weigh around two kilograms. There one ripe honeydew melon, it should be cut like the watermelon in the refrigerator kept will. Since the honeydew melon does not really ripen when it is unripe, it should only be harvested or bought when it is fully ripe.

The origin of today's varieties

The honeydew melon, like that, probably originates from it Watermelon from Africa. The tasty fruits were also grown in Persia several thousand years ago. The varieties available commercially today got their name “Yellow Canary” from one of their main growing areas, but actually come from

Breeds in Algeria and France. The kernels from commercially available fruits can usually be used for cultivation in the greenhouse or in your own garden without any problems.

Grow the honeydew melon yourself

Before the sowing you must first free the seeds of any pulp that has adhered to the seeds. Otherwise the seeds can after plants mold very quickly in the seed pot and spoil before germination. Since honeydew melons need a lot of sun and warmth for their growth and the formation of fruits, growing them in a greenhouse is advisable. The plants can also be moved to the windowsill in early spring and then planted out in a sunny spot in the garden from May. Before planting out, however, you should first put the young plants in the strong sunlight for a few days Get used to the field by putting the plants with the pot outside for a few hours each day place.

Tips & Tricks

With its mildly sweet flesh, the honeydew melon tastes very good not only as a dessert or as a fruity refreshment for in between meals. A popular type of appetizer combines the sweetness of honeydew melon with the piquant flavor of smoked ham.

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