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  • German name: Swedish whitebeam
  • Botanical name: Sorbus intermedia
  • Other names: Swedish rowan, oxberry
  • Tree family: Rosaceae
  • Tree species: deciduous tree
  • Root type: heart root
  • summer green

Origin and location requirements

Occurrence and use

  • Distribution: throughout Central Europe
  • Use: in parks, gardens and by the roadside

Did you know that the Swedish whitebeam only grows naturally in the northern regions (Scandinavia, the northern Baltic states and northern Germany)? In the meantime it has adapted to the climatic conditions throughout Europe and is now also cultivated as an ornamental tree outside of these countries.


  • Light requirements: sunny to partially shaded
  • Frost hardiness: down to -28 ° C
  • Dry, stony meadows, in deciduous forests, in a rocky landscape

also read

  • Is the Swedish whitebeam poisonous?
  • Wanted poster of the whitebeam
  • Is the whitebeam edible?


  • sandy
  • strongly loamy
  • pH value: neutral to alkaline


  • maximum height: 10-18 m
  • Growth habit: branched


  • Shape: egg-shaped
  • Leaf margin: irregularly serrate, lobed
  • Upper side of the leaf: dark green, shiny
  • Underside of the leaf: slightly tomentose
  • Leaf position: alternate
  • Leaf length: up to 10 cm
  • Autumn color: dark yellow to red


  • Flowering period: May to June
  • Flower color: white
  • intense fragrance
  • Flower shape: umbel
  • Size: 10-12 mm
  • Gender: monoecious, hermaphrodite
  • Mode of reproduction: animal pollination


  • Size: comparable to a pea
  • Fruit type: small apple fruits
  • Color orange
  • Fruit ripening: September to October
  • poisonous?: edible, with a floury-sweet taste
  • Use: as jelly, juice or jam


If you enjoy bird watching, it is highly recommended that you plant a Swedish whitebeam in your own garden. The bright orange fruits attract numerous different species.


  • Branch color: red-brown
  • Buds: thick, pointed, also red-brown
  • Bark: gray-black and smooth
  • Usage: cones, folding rules

Diseases and pests

  • susceptible to numerous types of fungus