Fight pests with nematodes

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What are nematodes

Nematodes are small roundworms that live in the ground. Your body size is only 0.5 mm. For the specific control of pests on indoor plants, they are offered in powder form in small sachets. By feeding on the larvae of the plant pests, the beneficial insects ensure that it dies. Although they only fight the younger generation and not the adult animals, in the long run they do not reproduce. When the pests are gone, the nematodes will eventually die too. No residue remains on the houseplant.

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Note: Nematodes are among the oldest organisms on earth. They occur in almost every imaginable place. They do not pose a threat to humans or animals. The pest control with the roundworms is therefore completely ecological.

Insert nematodes correctly

When using the beneficial insects, take into account that nematodes are living things. So that you feel comfortable with your houseplant, you have to ensure that the individual living conditions are guaranteed. Use the roundworms as follows:

  • Determine pest
  • Wait for the appropriate time (time of year)
  • Soil conditions - especially the temperature - adapt to the respective nematode species
  • Add the nematodes to the water according to the instructions on the package
  • Then fill the loosened roundworms into a watering can
  • Moisten the substrate slightly
  • Water the houseplant with the roundworms
  • only apply early in the morning or late in the evening, as nematodes are very sensitive to UV light
  • Shake the watering can in between, as the nematodes sometimes settle on the ground
  • Rewater the substrate again with pure water
  • over 2 to 3 weeks Potting soil keep moist
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Check the success of the treatment with yellow tables or the like
  • Repeat application if necessary

Which pests can be combated with nematodes?

There are countless different types of nematodes, each with its own diet. Therefore, with the right choice, almost all pests on the houseplant can be controlled, including:

  • Sciarid gnats
  • Spider mites
  • Aphids
  • Scale insects
  • Mealybugs
  • Mealybug
  • Thrips
  • Leaf miners