Recognize and treat properly

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Modern roses are healthier

In the last few decades rose breeding has increased in terms of the development of new, less so for leaf diseases such as star soot, mildew or rose rust susceptible varieties made great strides. Sensitive, older varieties date from a time when health was not a rose grower's primary concern; they had to have their roses accordingly often spray with environmentally harmful chemicals. However, these funds have long since been taken off the market and most breeders concentrate on developing varieties with healthy leaves. However, no rose is completely immune to fungal diseases, although many newer varieties are so little affected that they do not have to be sprayed.

also read

  • Why do roses get brown leaves?
  • Powdery mildew, star soot, rose rust - the most common leaf diseases on roses
  • For healthy roses and more abundance of flowers - pruning dead roses

Recognize rose rust

The rose rust occurs mainly in very damp weather. The harbingers of rose rust are small, orange-red and calloused spots that appear on the shoots in spring and cover the entire underside of the leaves with yellow-orange spots in summer. First orange-red, later black pustules appear on the underside of the leaves. An infection with this harmful fungus occurs especially when the air humidity is high (e. B, in humid summers or

if poured incorrectly), and roses in loamy, compacted soils are particularly at risk. The fungal spores overwinter on the underside of the foliage. The spots are rust-red and dusty.

Prevent and combat rose rust

The most important measure to prevent rose rust is a suitable location. The soil should be well ventilated and loose; Soils that are too firm can be loosened by mixing in sand and compost. You should also make sure that the leaves of the rose are not moistened or moistened when watering. can dry off quickly after a downpour. For this reason, an airy, but not draughty location is recommended for roses. You should immediately collect and dispose of infected leaves in summer; Rake off leaves that have fallen in winter.

Home remedies for rose rust

You can also spray infested roses with easy-to-make horsetail broth and thus disinfect them. Next to Field horsetail Comfrey, garlic or tansy broth are also suitable. When the leaves begin to shoot, spray them about every two weeks.


When buying, pay particular attention to the so-called ADR varieties, these are tested, particularly fungus-resistant roses.