How to grow new plants

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Propagate perennials by seeds

First of all, perennials can be propagated from seeds. Most species are cold germinators - this means that they need a long-lasting cold stimulus before germination. Only a few perennials germinate immediately. These plants include the yellow loosestrife and the many-colored ones Milkweed.

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Practical tip: More sensitive seeds such as those of poppy poppies or lupins, which are not good in the garden If germination conditions are found, it is best to collect them after flowering and cultivate them in the greenhouse before.

Exciting: When perennials are propagated by seeds, you can sometimes expect a small (or large) surprise. This can also result in plants that differ considerably from the mother plant in terms of essential characteristics such as the color or shape of the flower.

Note: Keep in mind that some perennials are cultivated in such a way that they do not produce fruits. In this case, of course, there is no seed either. There are also varieties (especially those with double flowers or sometimes crosses) that are sterile. They do have seeds, but not germinable.

Propagate perennials over other parts of the plant

If seed propagation is not an option, or if you prefer an alternative method, there are still plenty of options to choose from. You can propagate perennials just as well or often even better using other parts of the plant such as leaves, shoots or roots.

Advantages of vegetative propagation over sowing

There are significant advantages associated with vegetative reproduction:

  • New perennials from cuttings or cuttings are always exact copies of the mother plant. This is because the genetic material is completely identical. It can also be said that these methods simply clone the mother plant.
  • Vegetatively propagated perennials often have a small growth advantage compared to seed-propagated plants. That said, they'll develop a little faster so you'll see results sooner.

Recommendation: That Dividing perennials is a particularly efficient method of propagation. In this way you will keep the plants blooming for a long time and ensure that they remain vigorous.


Very important: Always propagate healthy plants!