Plant, maintain, multiply and more

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Plant the fan flower correctly

Do not leave a newly purchased fan flower in its pot, but plant it straight away in the tub or balcony box. Use a high-quality potted plant soil that you mixed with leaf compost and Lava granules(€ 14.00 at Amazon *) optimize. Stands Rhododendron soil readily available, add a handful or two to give the substrate the desired, slightly acidic pH value. Proceed in these steps:

  • Cover the floor opening with potsherds as drainage
  • Spread an air and water permeable fleece over it so that the material does not become muddy
  • Pour in a layer of the substrate mixture
  • Place the potted fan flowers in the ground at a distance of 20 cm and water them

also read

  • How should I hibernate my fan flower?
  • How to properly care for your fan flower - the best tips and tricks
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Please make sure that the young plants do not get deeper into the soil than the lower pair of leaves. Press the substrate lightly with your hands and use a soft irrigation water.

Care tips

We do not see the low maintenance effort in their picturesque floral flowers. In fact, the few cultivation measures can be counted on one hand:

  • If it is dry, pour with soft water
  • Apply liquid fertilizer every 14 days from April to August
  • Overcome a summer blooming break with a slight pruning
  • Cut the shoots and tendrils by half or two thirds before putting them away
  • Water from time to time in the bright winter quarters at 10-15 degrees Celsius

In addition to this basic program, repot the ornamental plant in early spring, provided that the previous planter is completely rooted.
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Which location is suitable?

Place the fan flower in a sunny to partially shaded spot. A windy location or a spot that is showered over by the summer rain is not an offense for the robust ornamental plant. The main condition for a lush abundance of flowers is the observance of the minimum temperature of 12-15 degrees Celsius.

What soil does the plant need?

The fan flower wants a humus-rich, well-drained soil. Therefore, choose a qualityPotting soil with little peat. Since the exotic beauty favors a slightly acidic pH value, enrich the substrate with deciduous or coniferous compost and give something instead of sand Lava granules added.

When is the flowering time?

The fan flower shows off its waterfall-like tendrils from May to October. You can save yourself laborious cleaning with the goodenia plant, because the flower does this on its own. If the blossoms diminish in the middle of the season, cut the plant back by a third or half. Then a fresh shoot begins, which lasts into autumn.

Cut the fan flower correctly

Even though the fan flower cleans itself of withered flowers, the scissors do not go unused. Cut back the shoots and tendrils by a third after the first 3 weeks in culture. This effort is rewarded with a particularly abundance of flowers and rich branching. If the ornamental plant suddenly takes a blooming break in summer, pruning it by half gives it fresh strength for renewed budding. Before moving to winter quarters, cut back the scaevola vigorously.

Water the fan flower

Do not water your fan flower until the surface of the substrate has dried well. A short finger test proves that there is actually a need for watering. Put soft rainwater or decalcified tap water directly on the root disc. If the first drops run out of the floor opening, the current water requirement is covered. Pour out a coaster after 10-15 minutes to prevent waterlogging.

Fertilize fan flower properly

In terms of nutritional requirements, the fan flower proves to be modest. Apply a liquid fertilizer for bog plants every 14 days from May to August. These preparations are tailored to the desire for a slightly acidic soil value. Anyone who runs a worm compost on the balcony pampers the plant with organic worm tea every 2 weeks.


If the mercury column falls below 10 degrees in autumn, the fan flower moves to its winter quarters. First cut the tendrils by two-thirds and remove withered leaves. In the bright location at 10-15 degrees Celsius, water the evergreen plant from time to time, because the root ball should not dry out. From September to March there is no fertilization in order to avoid premature budding.
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Propagate fan flower

In terms of reproduction, the fan flower proves to be a bit stubborn. The attempt one sowing is rarely crowned with success. In addition, the propagation of cuttings rarely goes smoothly. If you want to dare to experiment, proceed as follows:

  • Cut off non-blooming head cuttings with a length of 5-7 cm in early summer
  • Defoliate except for a pair of leaves in the tip and in Rooting powder dive
  • Put in small pots with lean Growing substrate(€ 12.99 at Amazon *) are filled
  • In a heatable Mini greenhouse(€ 25.14 at Amazon *) keep it constantly slightly moist at 20-22 degrees Celsius

To prevent mold from forming in the warm and humid microclimate, ventilate the Cultivation box daily extensively. A fresh shoot signals that the rooting is successful.

How do I transplant properly?

If the fan flower has survived the winter well, repotting in fresh substrate has a vitalizing effect on the plant. Of course, this measure is only absolutely necessary when the previous planter is completely rooted. In March / April, pot the scaevola and shake off the used soil. In the new pot, place a pottery shard over the opening in the floor to fill in a first layer of potted plant soil. Press a hollow in it with your fist. Place the plant in the fresh soil while maintaining the previous planting depth and water it with soft water. Your exotic beauty can relax from this stress in the partially shaded, warm window seat.

Nice varieties

  • Diamond: Wonderful, spherical variety, whose white flowers are decorated with a pale blue border
  • Topaz Pink: Premium variety with extra large flowers in bright pink and up to 60 cm long tendrils
  • Top poT White: Elegant fan flower whose white flowers contrast wonderfully with colored species
  • Royal blue: Royal floral decorations for the balcony with a bright blue blossom waterfall
  • Blue Wonder: Magnificent scaevola with violet-blue flowers over emerald green foliage