How to prepare flower beds

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Different approaches

A compacted soil can be made more loose again in different ways. Here are the options at a glance:

  • Dig up / loosen the soil with various devices
  • Improve composition with sand
  • Use plants with roots that loosen the soil

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Which of the methods offers the best chances of success also depends on the other properties of the soil and the severity of the soil compaction.

Dig up

The digging of harvested beds in autumn has been practiced for centuries. While that used to be exclusively with spade laboriously done by hand, you can nowadays larger areas with motorized devicesmilling. The large, upturned clods of earth are transformed into fine crumbly earth by the winter frost.

In the meantime, however, this type of digging is being refrained from. Because the different layers of the earth are literally turned upside down. Many beneficial soil organisms suffer as a result.

It is better to poke holes in the ground with a spade at regular intervals or use a claw that can be turned to the side so that the layers of the earth are not mixed up.

Work in sand

A very compacted soil is often due to the fact that its composition is very clay-heavy. You can use coarse sand or gravel to make it looser in the long run to enhance. The sand or Gravel is first generously sprinkled on the surface and then with a Rake incorporated about 10-15 cm deep.

Insert plants

Some plants have richly branched roots. This has the power to loosen up compacted earth. Use such plants in a targeted manner. For example:

  • Potato plants
  • Nasturtiums
  • Marigold flowers

You can change your location annually. So, after all, can the whole Garden soil little by little benefit from it.


Also make sure that the garden soil is ecological fertilize. the Worms in the garden soil can thus survive better and in turn contribute to loosening the soil.