Watering, repotting, cutting and more

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How much water does the coral berry need?

The coralberry (Nertera granadensis) cultivated as a houseplant should be watered sparingly about every two to three days in summer. During the winter dormancy, however, the coral berries like it a little drier. You should always water this plant over a saucer or close to the substrate surface. If the flowers are doused with water, it could be difficult with the formation of the bright orange fruits. In addition, lime-free or decalcified water can be used for pouring.

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How can a coralberry be repotted without affecting growth?

The coralberry is transplanted either in early spring or in late summer (when the berries have fallen off). As a substrate, you can use ordinary Potting soil use. When repotting, you can also divide the coral berries and multiply in this way.

When and how should a coralberry be cut?

Since the coralberry is just as compact as a bobble head or that Star moss grows, pruning measures do not normally have to be carried out. Wilted plant parts or leaves covered with gray mold should be removed as quickly as possible, otherwise a coral berry can die surprisingly quickly.

Which pests can cause problems in coral berries?

An aphid infestation in coral berries can take on threatening proportions if the plant is overwintered too warmly.

Does the coral berry usually get sick?

Basically, the coral berries are not prone to symptoms of illness as long as they are not doused with water during watering or overwintered under the wrong conditions.

How is a coralberry optimally fertilized?

At the Fertilize the following things should be noted:

  • only fertilize during the growth phase between spring and autumn
  • Only apply liquid fertilizer sparingly every two weeks
  • after repotting in fresh potting soil (which is usually already pre-fertilized) take a fertilizer break

Coral berries that are too heavily fertilized grow particularly vigorously, but form little or no flowers and berries.

What should be considered when caring for coral berries in the winter months?

The ideal winter quarters for the coral berries should be as light as possible at a constant temperature of around 10 degrees Celsius.


Similar to that Blue lizards The coral berries should also be exposed to sufficient morning and evening sun, but should be spared from direct sunlight at lunchtime as far as possible.