How to fight them in an environmentally friendly way

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Typical signs

  • Leaves mottled with black
  • White animals on the underside of the leaf
  • A swarm flying up when you touch the roses
  • Honeydew
  • Unusual leaf shedding

Attention: The honeydew that is excreted promotes the formation of soot thaw fungus, among other things.

also read

  • Fight whiteflies with mint
  • White flies on the boxwood
  • Fight the whitefly on petunias

Favorable condition for an infestation

the white fly attacks roses mainly from May to September. The pests don't like the cold. Warm, humid weather, on the other hand, suits them just fine. If the summer is very rainy, there is an increased risk. You should therefore check your roses more closely when the above conditions are met.

Treatment measures

No matter how annoying whiteflies are, chemical agents shouldn't be used under any circumstances. There are many alternative home remedies that do not harm the environment and that you can even make yourself very easily and cost-effectively. Always keep in mind that pesticide treatment will affect your rose as well.

Home remedies

Yellow panels, for example, are not particularly attractive, but are very effective. If you want to avoid the treatment measures becoming visible, especially spray the undersides of the leaves with a self-made one Plant stock a.


Or you can more or less leave the fight to nature. The ichneumon wasp, for example, is a natural enemy of the whitefly. However, it will not do any harm in your garden. Alternatively, plant herbs like basil near your roses. The intense scent of the Plant puts the parasites to flight.
You should definitely take action against the larvae. Adult whiteflies feed exclusively on plant residues that have already been shed. The hatched generation, on the other hand, sucks the juice from the leaves. With a layer of sand that you spread over the entire surface of the substrate, you will prevent new breeding. In addition, it is essential to remove old plant remains from the soil.