Raising gardenia as a bonsai

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Gardenia is well tolerated by pruning

The gardenia is characterized by a good cut tolerance. It tolerates frequent pruning and recovers quickly.

also read

  • Maintain Gardenia in the garden all year round
  • Why does Gardenia jasminoides get brown leaves?
  • Gardenia jasminoides is unfortunately slightly poisonous

Design forms of the gardenia as bonsai

Gardenia can be grown as a bonsai in very different forms:

  • single stem
  • multi-stemmed
  • Cascade shape
  • Semi-cascade
  • free upright

When is the gardenia cut as a bonsai?

As long as the gardenia is young, keep cutting it. As soon as five or more leaves have formed on a shoot, shorten the branches so that only two to three leaves remain.

You can only prune older bonsai until August. Otherwise, remove the shoots on which the flowers will form for the next year.

The cut is always directly above you eyethat points outwards.

What should you watch out for when wiring?

Gardenias that are grown as bonsai can be shaped quite easily with wires. Wiring is only carried out when the shoots are half lignified. Start wiring in October and remove the wires in February before the growing season begins. This will prevent the wire from growing in.

With flowering shoots, wires can cause the gardenia to shed its flowers.

The right location for gardenias

Gardenias like it very bright, but do not tolerate direct sun well. If you grow the bonsai in the flower window, you should protect it from direct midday sun.

In summer you can also put the gardenia outside in the garden. All you have to do is get them inside before the outside temperature drops too much.

How to care for gardenia as a bonsai

In order for the gardenia to thrive as a bonsai, it needs a lot of care:

  • pour properly
  • fertilize sufficiently
  • repot regularly
  • watch out for pests
  • overwinter frost-free

Casting with a sure instinct

The gardenia does not tolerate waterlogging or complete dryness. Always water when the top layer of the substrate has dried slightly. Do not leave water in the planter.

Occasionally spray the gardenia with water to encourage flowering.

Only use lime-free water for watering and spraying. The gardenia does not get lime at all. It is best to pour rainwater that should be at room temperature. Alternatively, you can also use still mineral water for watering.

Fertilize gardenia properly as a bonsai

From March fertilize The gardenia every fortnight. Special rhododendron fertilizers or bonsai fertilizers are suitable. Make sure that the fertilizer is free of lime.

When is repotting necessary?

The bonsai is repotted in spring. It is sufficient if the plant is placed in a new planter every two to three years. You should always repot the gardenia only when the pot is completely rooted.

Carefully remove the gardenia from the old pot. Shake off the old substrate. Prune the roots to limit growth.

Plant the gardenia in a new planter that is slightly larger than the previous one. Use slightly acidic soil for rhododendrons as soil for the new pot. Loosen the substrate with a little sand or gravel so that it becomes permeable to water.

Prevent brown leaves and sloping inflorescences

Brown leaves on gardenias indicate iron deficiency. You can prevent this by adding a little iron to the irrigation water from time to time. Make sure that the plant is not too moist. Wet soil promotes iron deficiency.

Gardenias are very sensitive to drafts and relocation. They respond with falling inflorescences.

Put the pot in a place where it is protected from drafts. Avoid moving the bonsai to another place frequently.

Check regularly for pests

Gardenias are also not easy to keep because they are quickly attacked by pests. Often occur:

  • Scale insects
  • Aphids
  • Thrips
  • Black vine weevil (if located outdoors)

You should therefore examine the bonsai regularly and combat pest infestation immediately.

Winter gardenia frost-free as a bonsai

They don't hardy gardenias do not take a break in winter. Nevertheless, you should place the plant a little cooler from autumn. Winter temperatures of 15 to 17 degrees are ideal. Under no circumstances should the Gardenia get frost.

Water a little less in winter. You should also fertilize the bonsai during this time. It is sufficient if you fertilize the gardenia at monthly intervals from September to February.


Despite its name Gardenia jasminoides, the gardenia has nothing to do with the jasmine. It owes its name to the flowers, which give off a very pleasant scent. The warmer the location during flowering, the stronger the scent of the gardenia.