Fertilizer and everything about fertilization measures

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Make your own natural fertilizer for the garden

Green manureInstead of buying expensive fertilizers, you can also make a range of free fertilizers for the garden yourself. Such a natural fertilizer not only fertilizes your plants organically, you also avoid handling chemicals and toxins. You can find out which simple means you can use here.

Box tree fertilizer - composition and application

BoxwoodIf you have a box tree in your garden, the question arises as to which way it can be best fertilized in order to impress with its rich green color. Every plant needs specific nutrients, and these should ideally be perfectly balanced and available in sufficient quantities. Boxwood in particular is sensitive, so problems can arise with a fertilizer that is not optimally composed. What does the perfect boxwood fertilizer look like? Here we give you advice on how to identify a good boxwood fertilizer and how best to use it.

Fertilize vegetables - make your own vegetable fertilizer

In the home garden, fertilizing the vegetables in a balanced way works according to the classic maxim: as much as necessary, as little as possible. This protects the environment and prevents unwanted over-fertilization. Nobody wants chemical-based preparations in their diet. Hobby gardeners therefore prefer to make their own vegetable fertilizer. This is how it works.

Hakaphos fertilizer - composition and dosage

Hakaphos is the abbreviation for urea, potash and phosphate, the composition of these artificially produced, water-soluble nutrient salts, which also contain all the important trace elements such as copper, iron, boron, zinc, manganese and molybdenum contain. With these mineral complete fertilizers, the so-called NPK fertilizers, the exact dosage must be ensured in order to avoid over-fertilization.

Long-term fertilizer for balcony plants - fertilize balcony flowers properly

A balcony becomes really beautiful with lots of colorful flowers and plants. But these too have to be cared for and supplied with the right fertilizer. However, the balcony plants, just like their siblings in the garden, have different requirements in terms of care, location and fertilizer.

Primary rock flour, the fertilizer for tomatoes - application

Primary rock flour as a fertilizer for tomatoes has a number of advantages, because it does not only fertilize the plants for a short period of time. Instead, the rock flour improves the soil structure in the long term and can even prevent diseases and pests or be used to combat an infestation. Provided it is used correctly.

Eutrophication of the soil - signs and consequences for plants

If the nutrient supply is out of balance, the entire plant suffers. This disharmony includes both deficiency and excess. While symptoms of an undersupply are quickly identified and remedied, solving the problem in the case of an overdose is tricky. Here you can find useful information on signs and consequences for plants in the event of overfertilization of the soil.

Fertilize oleander properly - the best oleander fertilizers

The oleander is an impressive Mediterranean plant that is very well suited to bring the feeling of vacation on the terrace. As a so-called heavy eater, however, the beautiful plant with its charismatic flowers has a high nutritional requirement. Read more about how to properly fertilize the oleander and what fertilizers are available.

With what and how often should you fertilize hydrangeas?

In order for opulent hydrangeas to bloom in full splendor, a professional supply of nutrients sets the course. Since the magnificent flowering trees prefer acidic soil, special criteria must be taken into account when selecting the fertilizer and its application. Read here what and how often hydrangeas should be fertilized.

Algae lime - composition, benefits and application

If you want to fertilize your garden ecologically, you face the challenge of choosing the right fertilizer. Algae lime from various manufacturers is commercially available as a purely natural fertilizer. It is considered ecologically valuable in every respect and is easy to use. It is particularly popular for vegetables, but has a few other advantages. Here we inform you about the composition and the optimal application in the ornamental and kitchen garden.

With what and when should boxwood be fertilized?

A carefully tended boxwood fulfills the expectations placed in it as a harmonious bed border or ornamental solitaire. The linchpin for dense growth and healthy resistance is a balanced supply of nutrients. Stop wondering what and when to fertilize a box tree. You can read an informed answer here.

Foliar fertilization: make foliar fertilizer yourself

Foliar fertilization transports nutrients directly into the interior of the plant via the leaves in order to compensate for short-term deficiency symptoms. This guide will familiarize you with the right course of action, because this form of nutrient intake is associated with risks. Our tried and tested instructions explain how you can make foliar fertilizers yourself.

Fertilizer sticks: information on use and benefits

Anyone who sees their neighbors bustling around in the garden and on the balcony in summer knows: the high season for plants has started, and the plants not only want to be watered, but above all to be constantly supplied with nutrients will. But the care of the plants is also more convenient: with the help of fertilizer sticks, the hobby gardener does not have to constantly re-fertilize and in return can enjoy his plants in peace.

Pigeon manure as fertilizer - this is how you fertilize with pigeon droppings

The idea of ​​pigeon droppings as fertilizer makes many gardeners shudder. On closer inspection, this variant of organic nutrient supply gains in persuasiveness. Hygiene concerns are unfounded when used correctly. How you fertilize with pigeon manure, this guide brings to the point.

Spring fertilizer: when and how to fertilize the lawn in spring

When the last frost disappears and nature starts to stir again after a long winter, the lawn needs to be prepared for summer. Fertilizing is one of the most important factors to consider when maintaining the lawn in spring.

Drying coffee grounds as flower fertilizer - valuable ingredients

Drying coffee grounds as flower fertilizer is a simple and inexpensive measure, because it still contains many valuable ingredients. In addition, the powder can actually be used not only as a fertilizer, but also has other advantages. However, the processing is crucial.

... blooms and blooms and blooms

Gentian shrub: as a container plant, it blooms throughout the summer. Learn more about its care.