Weeding according to the lunar calendar

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Gardening by the moon

Who is at the Gardening according to the lunar calendar, works in harmony with nature. The knowledge of the power of our cosmic neighbor is ancient, even our ancestors used the position of the moon as a basis for many of their work. Even if you occasionally risk mocking looks as a "moon gardener", it is worth a try, because the more successful you are at combating weeds, you will be higher Crop yields and beautiful flowering plants are rewarded.

also read

  • Back-friendly work: weed weeds without bending over
  • The lunar calendar: plants in harmony with the moon
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The phases of the moon

The moon goes through four phases over a period of 28 days:

  • New moon or crescent moon
  • increasing Moon
  • Full moon
  • waning moon.

In addition, a distinction is made between two moon positions, the ascending and descending moon.

Furthermore, the course of the moon in the annual cycle is divided into twelve signs of the zodiac, which are assigned to the elements fire, water, air and earth.

When is the right time to weed?

When the moon is waning, water and nutrients retreat to the lower parts of the plant. If you choose the time shortly before the moon reaches its lowest point, weeds will grow back noticeably more slowly.

Particularly stubborn weeds should be weed when the moon is waning, preferably in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. With the help of the moon you can Weed killing Confidently do without chemistry.


You can download lunar calendars from various providers on the Internet. Which work should be done on the respective day is indicated by symbols. You can not only see from the lunar calendars when you should ideally pull weeds, but also when to plant flowering plants, harvest vegetables or water the garden in harmony with nature should.

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