Hardy or sensitive to frost? (Penta)

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Star of Egypt is not hardy

As a plant from tropical regions, the Star of Egypt is not hardy and must therefore not be exposed to too low temperatures.

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Usually the flower is only grown as an annual as it is not worth hibernating. If you want to try to pull a star from Egypt per year, it will only work if you provide ideal conditions after flowering.

Take a break after flowering

After blooming, the star of Egypt needs a longer rest if it is to bloom again in the following year. Depending on the season, place the plant a little cooler for about eight weeks. Water only enough so that the root ball does not dry out completely. Fertilize Do not do this during the resting phase.

This is how you hibernate or oversummer a star in Egypt correctly

  • Light location
  • not sunny
  • 10-15 degrees
  • pour very little
  • do not fertilize

Since the Star of Egypt is not hardy, in winter you need to put it in a place where temperatures do not drop below eight degrees. Ideal winter temperatures are between 10 and 15 degrees.

Make sure there is sufficient humidity during this time. If necessary, spray the leaves with water or set up open water bowls.

If the star of Egypt is in bloom, you must not spray the flowers with water.

Star of Egypt out in summer

The Star of Egypt doesn't tolerate the cold, but in summer it appreciates a place outdoors. He then prefers a location that is airy and partially shaded. Direct exposure to the sun, especially at lunchtime, is not so good for him.

If you are maintaining a penta indoors in the summer, do not place it in a flower window facing south, as the sun exposure is too great here.

In summer the temperatures should be around 20 degrees.


The star of Egypt is a houseplant that is native to tropical regions in Africa and Arabia. It blooms all year round, but is usually sold as a flowering plant in autumn.