This is how it thrives

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Steps for preparing the soil

  • Remove weeds and old turf
  • Pick up stones
  • Fill in sinks and remove elevations
  • Dig up deeply
  • humus or bring in special fertilizer
  • Make the subsurface stable
  • Leveling
  • Surface to Sow roughen again

remove weeds

The area for the Lawn area must be as free of other herbs and old lawn as possible. Root weeds in particular grow so strongly that they reappear after a short time.

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You have to collect stones when preparing the lawn. They later interfere with entering and damage the lawnmower's blades.

Level the ground well

Under no circumstances should there be depressions in the ground, as rainwater collects in them and causes the grass roots to rot. the Lawn care is easier on a level surface.

Perform soil analysis

Lawn only grows on soil that contains enough nutrients. So leave before the sowing one Soil analysis carry out. This will tell you which substances have to be added to the earth.

Humus and more special Lawn fertilizer should be brought into the ground when digging up. This guarantees that the small grass plants will grow and thrive faster later. Too much of fertilize but you are not allowed to, because that can burn the roots.

Level the ground

The subsoil must be paved after digging. For that you should get a Lawn roller use from the garden center.

By leveling the ground, you prevent the earth from sinking too much later. This often creates depressions. In addition, you can see better where the ground is not yet completely flat.

Roughen the soil slightly before sowing

Before sowing lawn or applying turf, lightly roughen the surface with a rake. Then the grass roots will later find hold more quickly.

Tips & Tricks

Preparing the ground for the lawn can be quite exhausting. Use days when it is not raining and the soil surface is not soaked. Dry earth is much easier to work with.


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