He likes this earth best

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Mix the potting soil for the oleander

Many potted plants are commercially available Potting soil in very good hands, but not the oleander. This loose, humus-rich substrate is not the right soil for the flowering shrub. Instead, it's best to mix your own oleander soil by using floral and clayey ones Mix the garden soil together in approximately the same proportion and, if possible, some more sand Add. Do not forget to add a portion with the potting compost Slow release fertilizer to mix in so that the oleander receives a good basic supply for the growing season.

also read

  • It is essential to water oleander in winter too
  • What pot size does my oleander need?
  • Cut back oleanders before overwintering

Young oleander plants in particular grow very quickly and should therefore be repotted once a year. You change the substrate every year and choose a slightly larger pot. Older oleanders, on the other hand, only have to be repotted about every five years, whereby instead of placing the plant in a new container, you carry out a root cut. If possible, carry out this measure in the spring, immediately after

Clear out of the winter quarters, by.


If only your oleander little or no blossoms, so one possible (and very common) cause is nutritional deficiency. Make sure you have a nutrient-rich substrate (but with only a moderate amount of humus) and one regular and adequate fertilization.