Instructions for a perfect, weed-free lawn

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the essentials in brief

  • Before applying lime, measure the pH of the soil
  • Lime is applied when the soil is too acidic, i.e. has a pH value below 5.5
  • Moss infestation is an indication of acidic soil that needs lime
  • Lawn is best whitewashed in spring or autumn

Only if you know why and when your lawn needs lime and how the product helps, the green area can be healthy and free from unwanted vegetation such as moss, Wood sorrel and other weeds remain. In the following article we provide you with well-founded answers to the most important questions regarding the optimal supply of lime to your lawn.

also read

  • Does lime remove the moss in the lawn? - Tips for use
  • Liming the lawn properly - the 10 best tips
  • When should the lawn be limed? - Information on dates and benefits

What is the best way to apply lime?

Lawn lime is available either in powder form or as pellets. Lime powder is a white, very fine powder that is simply sprinkled over the lawn. When buying, choose a variety that is as finely ground as possible, as it reacts faster with the soil due to the larger surface. Wear a face mask while applying to avoid breathing in the fine dust. In no case should lime powder be scattered in wind and / or heavy rain. Furthermore, it is not advisable to use limescale in the heat or in intense sunshine, as this can result in burns of the

Sward can come. Lime pellets, on the other hand, cause significantly less dirt and are simply distributed evenly over the lawn. After liming - especially if the drought persists - you should water the lawn vigorously so that the calcium carbonate can penetrate the soil and do its job.

How much lime should I apply?

How many grams of lime per square meter (g / m2) of lime you need to apply depends on the results of the soil tests previously carried out. These are based on the type of soil and the current pH value and thus provide you with the amount you actually need. Follow these recommendations carefully as the allowable amounts can vary significantly depending on the type of soil. So needed Clay soil much more lime than sandy soil to get the same results.


How much lime should be applied depends on the pH of the soil

When is the best time to spread the lime?

Spring, summer, autumn or winter - which month is best for liming the lawn? Basically, you can work the green area with lime in spring or autumn, but the late summer / autumn months of August and September are the best times for this project - after all, the remedy has plenty of time until the following spring for the rather slow chemical reaction that neutralizes the soil pulls. However, avoid liming in high heat and freezing temperatures, as this will significantly reduce the effect.

Which means is best for liming the lawn?

There are different types of lime that are more or less suitable for that Lawn care suitable. The best is simple calcium carbonate, which has a very mild and gentle effect and can be applied to almost any soil. With this agent, over-limescale is practically impossible, as it is only effective in acidic soils. If, on the other hand, the subsoil is neutral, it no longer dissolves as well and is instead gradually broken down by soil organisms. You can recognize lawn lime made from calcium carbonate by the chemical formula CaCO3 printed on the packaging. Furthermore, higher quality is also suitable Dolomite lime very good.

However, it is less suitable Quicklime, which is not called quick lime for nothing. It is normally used as a mortar admixture and is not suitable for lawn maintenance due to its corrosive effect on plants. In mixtures for lawn lime you can recognize its use by the chemical symbol CaO - if this is printed on the packaging, you better stay away from it. Special lime mixtures such as magnesium lime or so-called hut lime are also only in Special cases - for example because your lawn already has a magnesium deficiency - makes sense and otherwise thrown away money. Even dearly sold Algae lime offers no further advantages over simple calcium carbonate, even if many manufacturers advertise it flowery.

Why should the lawn be limed?

Fight moss with lime

Moss in the lawn indicates an acidic soil that can be treated with lime

Lawns need lime when low soil pH affects nutrient availability. The preferences of the different grass species with regard to the pH value vary, but are in a neutral to slightly acidic range between 5.8 and 7.2. In the warm season, lawn grasses tolerate a slightly lower pH value, while this should be a little higher in the cool season. If the pH value deviates too much, the absorption of abundant nutrients is also restricted. Lime restores the balance in soils that are too acidic in order to bring the pH back to an optimal growth level for the lawn.

When do you have to sand the lawn?

Even if the pH value of the soil is in a healthy range, other measures to improve the soil may be necessary in addition to liming. This includes, for example, sanding the soil, in which the addition of sand makes heavy, loamy subsoil looser and more permeable. Please note that sand also contains lime - depending on the type and variety used - and that sanding also changes the pH value.


Pointer plants

You can quickly see whether the subsurface of your lawn is getting too acidic: In this case, the grasses are being displaced by plants that prefer to grow in acidic soil. For example, the presence of moss or wood sorrel signals that the pH of the soil has long since become too low for healthy grass growth. Further warning signs are an increased growth of weeds, diseases (such as the yellowing of the blades of grass) and the increased occurrence of pests. Above all Grass miteswho prefer to stay in moss-containing lawns are a sure sign of this that is unpleasant for both humans and animals. Therefore, liming also helps
  • against (sour) clover
  • against moss
  • against weeds
  • against grass mites
  • and against fungi

Be sure to bring the lime first and then any Herbicides and insecticides, as low pH will also decrease the effectiveness of these agents. Another indication of acidic soil, by the way, is the fact that even the grasses themselves are based on high quality Lawn fertilizer not with the usual resp. expected healthy and vigorous growth.


Clover is a pointer plant for acidic soil

Should you lime or fertilize first?

Balanced fertilization is just as much a part of good lawn care as liming. In general, experts advise against applying fertilizer and lime at the same time - only in some cases it may be advisable. Otherwise, it depends on various factors which action you should take first.

Basically, the pH value of the soil determines whether it is first limed or fertilized. An example: If this is too low, the lime must first be applied and effective, otherwise the grass cannot absorb any nutrients. Therefore it is also important to clarify this question what pH value the subsurface actually has.

When do you have to lime first?

If the soil has a high acid content, it must first be limed and fertilized only after a certain waiting period. Since the deacidification process is slow, there must be a waiting period of a few weeks between liming and fertilization. However, you can shorten this by using particularly finely ground lime - this reacts faster with the soil, so that fertilization can take place more quickly.

When should you fertilize first?

The other way around is the recommendation if you want to sow or re-sow new lawns: In this case, fertilize first and then limescale. The reason lies in the ability of the seeds to germinate, because they can only germinate and grow into a magnificent lawn if there are sufficient nutrients in the soil. Prepare before the sowing the area in front, fertilize Sow according to the recommendations - and then wait about seven to ten days before liming. The waiting time is necessary so that the soil can absorb the nutrients from the fertilizer. The lime in turn increases the effectiveness of the same and ensures that the roots of the seedlings can absorb them and benefit from the additional thrust.

In which cases can lime and fertilizer be applied at the same time?

The simultaneous application of lime and fertilizer, however, is possible if the pH value of the soil is already neutral and it is therefore only a matter of maintenance lime. In this case, the task of the lime is to continuously maintain the pH value, while the fertilizer supplies the grasses with immediately available nutrients. However, you should not apply both together, as this can lead to an uneven distribution. First spread the fertilizer on the lawn and only then the lime.


What is lime

Lime is a natural soil conditioner made from ground limestone. The mineral contains the compounds calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, which are supposed to increase the pH value of the soil so that it becomes less acidic and more alkaline. Although lime naturally contains important nutrients such as calcium and magnesium, it is not a suitable fertilizer substitute. The main task of lime is to change the pH value of the soil and to compensate for the constantly fluctuating acidity of the same. In this way you improve the availability of plant nutrients.

Why is a soil survey important?

However, you should not rely on a visual diagnosis alone. A soil survey in a state or private institute provides a more precise measurement of the current pH value of your soil as well as other factors such as the type of soil. This knowledge is necessary as this also affects the amount of lime required and any other work on the soil. Applying lime that is not needed or that is excessive may damage the lawn rather than help it. If your soil is too acidic, test it again every year until the equilibrium is restored. Established lawns, on the other hand, only need to be checked every three to four years.


Why is the pH of the soil constantly changing?

Soil pH changes for many reasons, including the amount of lime applied or other products. In areas with strong Rainfall for example, calcium is naturally leached out of the soil when rainwater flows through the earth. The loss of calcium causes the pH value to drop, so that the subsoil becomes acidic over time. In these regions, the application of lime is a necessity for healthy lawns. In areas with very little rainfall, however, no calcium is released, so that lawns can even become too alkaline. In addition, lawn care also lowers the pH value of the soil. Regular fertilization, proper watering, and increased activity of beneficial soil microorganisms all contribute to gradual, normal decreases in pH.

How does fertilization affect the pH of the soil?

Acidic soil contains a lot of hydrogen and becomes more basic the more you supply it with a nitrogen-based fertilizer. For this reason, you should absolutely avoid over-fertilizing the lawn, as this will in any case lead to acidification of the subsoil. A lot doesn't help much - instead, plant nutrition that is precisely tailored to the specific needs is so important. Through a thorough Soil analysis find out which nutrients the lawn actually needs and in what quantities.

Why does mowing the lawn also have an influence on the pH value?

Regular mowing of the lawn also leads to acidification of the soil. The reason for this is simply that by mowing you are interrupting the natural cycle - and this of course has an impact on the wider environment. The grasses are alkaline and always have a higher pH than the substrate on which they grow. In nature, the plants die at some point, decompose in the earth and thus restore their equilibrium. However, if you mow the grass, this process will be interrupted and the ground cannot be leveled.

What are the consequences of an overdose of lime on the lawn?

Not just a deficiency, but also an overdose can have serious consequences for the health of the lawn: An excess of Calcium carbonate usually results in iron chlorosis, in which the grasses eventually become iron deficient suffer. Because of this, the stalks eventually turn yellow or even die. Furthermore, overcalcification has chemical burns (v. a. if quicklime was used!) as well as an increased incidence of diseases due to the weakening (the manifest themselves in increased growth of fungi) or pests (e.g. ants) Episode.


Ripe garden compost also raises the pH value of the soil, which is why many experienced gardeners swear by self-produced compost instead of lime to neutralize it. Dog urine, on the other hand - as is sometimes recommended in forums - is by no means a suitable means. Instead, urine damages the sward due to the hot substances it contains.