The dragon tree gets brown spots

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Illnesses don't always have to be to blame

In the dragon tree, a distinction should be made between brown spots in the middle of the leaf, brown leaf tips and yellow or brown colored and dying leaves. While it is normal for the lowest leaves to die off regularly with the simultaneous formation of fresh leaves, if the leaf tips are brown, the Location checked and possibly readjusted the humidity. The following maintenance errors can sometimes also be the reason for brown leaves or for brown spots on the leaves:

  • too dry or too wet root
  • a location with direct Exposure to sunlight
  • an incorrect or incorrectly dosed fertilization

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  • What do yellow spots on the dragon tree mean?
  • Brown tips on the leaves of the dragon tree
  • Recognize and fight diseases in the dragon tree

If the spots on the leaves are accompanied by bleaching or yellowing of the leaves, this may be due to an over-nitrogen fertilization of the plant.

The main diseases with the appearance of brown leaves on the dragon tree

Really unsightly brown spots on the leaves of the dragon tree can be due to a disease of the plant, especially if it spreads suddenly. Among those that are quite common in dragon trees

Diseases include, for example, the so-called Fusarium leaf spots. Often, however, bacteria are also the reason when a dragon tree gets brown spots on the leaves due to so-called bacterial fire. The spots that appear are dark brown and watery. Infested leaves must then be removed as quickly as possible and disposed of in such a way that the bacteria cannot infect other plants. The same procedure applies if the spots appear as a symptom of a fungal disease with brown spots outlined in purple. While there are certain fungicides and antidotes for treating infested dragon trees, it is more important to pay attention to plant health in general.

Arm the dragon tree against diseases with good care

Many plant diseases can only spread massively on the infected plants when they are already weakened by deficiency symptoms and care errors. A well thought out and prudent one care is therefore one of the best means of preventing various leaf diseases in dragon trees.


In bad cases, dragon trees with many brown spots on the leaves can sometimes no longer be saved. Generally the right one fertilization but in the dragon tree, in conjunction with the right amount of sunlight and water, ensure a strong defense against fungal spores and bacteria.