When is the flowering time?

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From early summer to late summer

If spring has been mild, the first water lily blossoms will open in May. Most species are usually in full bloom in June. The flowers have these properties:

  • fragrant
  • hermaphrodite
  • remind of stars
  • wide open to half open
  • 6 to 50 free petals
  • colored white, yellow, red, blue, orange, green or purple

also read

  • Plant water lilies in the pond - like a pro
  • Water lily leaf beetles and Co. - pests on water lilies
  • Diseases that can affect water lilies

Duration of the flowering period

The duration of the flowering period depends on the type and location of the plant. Some species only bloom for a few days, others for several weeks to months. The flowering time of the white water lily, for example, lasts until September.

On average, the flowers of water lilies are open for 3 to 7 days. The reason why the flowering period can extend over several months is that new flowers are constantly being formed. There are also species, such as tropical species with blue flowers, that bloom only at night and have closed their flowers during the day.

What can be done to increase the flowering period

Flowering is already accelerated when planting. A location with at least 6 hours of sunshine a day, in calm water that is not too shallow, is important. After wintering you should get your water lilies fertilize. It is also advisable to divide these plants regularly.


If your Water lilies don't bloom, it is mostly because the plants are too close together and the leaves are tightly packed, leaving no room for flowers.

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