Fig tree »These varieties taste best

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Hardy fig trees

Due to the fruit development without prior fertilization, the harvest yield of the house fig (Adriatic type) is greater, which is why these varieties are grown today on a large scale. The fig trees not only thrive in the warmer wine-growing areas and in well-protected areas, but are frost-hardy to minus twenty degrees Celsius. However, these fig tree varieties form in our latitudes only once a year in late autumn ripe false fruits.

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  • Planting fig trees - you need to pay attention to these points
  • Grow fig trees yourself
  • Frost-hard fig trees defy harsh winters

Choice of variety: Depending on the future location

If you are planning on planting a fig, you should consider that Site conditions in your garden and choose a suitable variety from the wide range on offer. Not all varieties are suitable as Potted plants which can be overwintered in the house because they do not grow any fruit in the cramped planter.

Particularly tasty and robust fig tree varieties

To list all fig tree varieties is beyond the scope of this article. Therefore only a few representatives below are considered to be very

hardy apply and thrive well in our latitudes:

  • Dalmatia: Grows well even in rainy areas. The compact growth makes it suitable for pots. Large, sweet and aromatic fruits that ripen from the beginning of August.
  • Dauphine: Bears many large, green-violet false fruits even when grown in pots, which taste excellent and ripen from the beginning of August.
  • Madeleine des deux Saisons: Loves a sheltered and warm location where it produces numerous yellow-green striped, juicy-sweet tasting fruits. Early fruit set from the end of July. In very mild years, this fig even bears twice.
  • Negronne: Small black-blue fruits that are considered by connoisseurs to be the tastiest.
  • Pfälzer Fruchtfeige, St. Martin, Lussheim, Violetta: Fig tree varieties grown in Germany that are very robust and temporarily tolerate temperatures of up to - 15 degrees.

Tips & Tricks

Fig tree varieties, their Cultivation in our latitudes has been tried and tested for decades or centuries, the term “recognized” or “old” variety is often put in front of the plant description.

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