This is the easiest way to grow

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Growing by seeds

Although the propagation by seeds is very laborious, it is worthwhile: Numerous seedlings emerge from which you can choose the most beautiful ones. You can also create new varieties in this way breed, because the seed multiplication is not varietal and is full of surprises. For seeds to germinate successfully, they should be fresh - tree seeds do not last indefinitely. Therefore, collect the seeds yourself and do not keep them for too long. However, many tree seeds need a cold spell with periods of frost so that dormancy is interrupted. You can also do this artificially in a refrigerator. Still is one sowing preferable in autumn or winter so that the seeds are exposed to winter weather. Protection from hungry birds and rodents makes sense. Exotic trees do not require stratification.

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Propagation of cuttings

Pulling trees from cuttings is a very simple and effective method. It has the advantage that the starting material is available anyway Cut back accrues and can therefore be reused. There are lignified and semi-lignified cuttings. Lignified cuttings are cut in winter, they are obtained from completely lignified, sometimes even perennial shoots. Half-lignified cuttings, on the other hand, are obtained from this year's soft shoots. Half lignified Cut cuttings Do best in late spring or early summer. Immediately plant the cuttings in a nutrient-poor soil-sand mixture and ensure high humidity.

Mossing, lowering and grafting

The lowering works in a similar way to the propagation of cuttings. However, the sinker remains on the mother plant until it has developed its own roots. In doing so, you bend a shoot down to the surface of the earth and cover the part resting on the earth with garden soil. Mossing works just as well, which is particularly common with bonsai. Choose a well-shaped branch and peel off a ring-shaped piece of bark with a very sharp knife. To do this, cut once around the stem at the top and bottom. Now surround the stripped stem area with sphagnum moss so that the roots can grow from the stem into the moss. Fruit trees (such as fruit or ornamental trees) must against it refined for example by grafting.


A high level of humidity improves root growth. You can achieve this by placing a cut-off PET bottle over the seed or cutting or by stretching cling film. Do not forget to ventilate regularly!