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Good living conditions for a strong fir tree

You do not have this fir tree in your garden or your bucket, but you are thinking of planting it? Then you should know beforehand that it also depends on you how healthy the life of the Korean fir will be.

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It is important to strengthen their own resilience and not offer pathogens a favorable habitat. This is only possible if the fir tree is given an ideal location and appropriate care. Do some research and see if you can offer her that.

Gray mold on the Korean fir

Gray mold is a disease caused by fungal pathogens that is most common in the Korean fir. Dying young shoots are a clear sign of disease. Mostly unfavorable living conditions have favored the disease. For example:

  • too dense planting
  • resulting in insufficient ventilation
  • a heavy, compacted soil

Generously cut off all infected parts and dispose of them as residual waste. You can then use a commercially available preparation to defeat the disease without leaving any residue.

Deficiency symptoms lead to needle loss

If the Korean fir gets brown needles or loses them, it doesn't have to be a disease caused by pathogens. With increasing age and size, every fir tree burns from the inside because parts of the needle dress are permanently shaded. If needles also fall, consider the following causes:

  • Lack of nutrients, especially magnesium
  • prolonged lack of light
  • Frost damage or drought
  • sunburn


Do a Soil analysis to reliably determine any nutrient deficiency. Only then should you be reluctant to use the Epsom salt fertilize. Fertilizing without necessity would rather exacerbate the problem with the needles.

Pests are common culprits

Pests, too, can cause symptoms like yellow needles, which remotely we may prematurely mistake to be a disease. If you take a closer look at the tree, you will surely discover evildoers present. The healthy growth A Korean fir is mainly affected by mealybugs and bark lice.

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