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How to properly water Venus flytraps

Venus fly traps thrive best in the damming process. The bottom of the pot is drained and placed in a saucer. So much water is poured onto the substrate until the coaster fills an inch or two with liquid.

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  • What to watch out for when pouring Venus flytraps
  • It is better not to fertilize Venus flytraps
  • Growing Venus Flytraps - Tips and Tricks

If the water from the saucer evaporates or has been soaked up, wait two days and then pour again.

Use only rainwater for to water. Carnivores do not tolerate calcareous substances at all. Alternatively, you can use distilled water or still mineral water to pour.

What is the ideal humidity?

The ideal humidity is between 40 and 55 percent. You can spray the plant in summer. During the winter it is ideal to have the Venus flytrap in one terrarium or hold a showcase.

Do Venus flytraps need fertilizer?

You should never be a Venus flytrap fertilizeeven if it is often advised. The substrate usually already contains more nutrients than the plant needs. If there are too many nutrients, the Venus flytrap dies.

Do you have to feed the carnivorous plants?

That Feed not necessary. The plant is adequately supplied by the substrate and the nutrient stores in the leaves, even if there are no insects.

You can of course feed the carnivorous plant occasionally, if only because it is very interesting to watch. Then give only a few insects still alive that are no more than a third the size of the trap itself. Under no circumstances should you feed leftovers.

Are Venus Flytraps Cut?

The dried up traps are only removed when they are completely dry.

However, it can be useful to cut the inflorescences immediately after they have sprouted. The training of blossoms takes away the strength of the plant it needs to grow new traps.

When do the plants need to be repotted?

You should have Venus fly traps every spring repot. The plant is fast-growing and forms many rhizomes, so that the pot soon becomes too small.

Remove dead root remains before repotting. Now is also the best time to acquire cuttings. To do this, simply pluck the plant apart so that enough leaves and roots remain on each section.

Remove the old substrate and place the Venus flytrap in fresh substrate. Then water the plant well.

Which diseases and pests occur?

Illnesses hardly occur. If the plant dies, there are almost always mistakes in care.

Some pests can attack the Venus flytrap:

  • Thrips
  • Aphids
  • Sciarid fly larvae

Regularly inspect the plant for pest infestation and take immediate action to combat it.

Why are the leaves suddenly turning black?

The long-stemmed leaves that grow in summer change color towards winter black. This is normal and not a sign of illness.

Why do the traps die?

The folding trap of the Venus flytrap has a limited lifespan. It opens a maximum of seven times. Then it dies. If it dries up sooner, it may be because a digested insect was too big.

It is normal for the traps to get smaller and smaller in winter. With this, the plant heralds the hibernation.

Are you allowed to put Venus flytraps outside in summer?

Basically nothing speaks against giving the plants a summer vacation in the fresh air. The prerequisite is that a location that is as sunny as possible but not as drafty is chosen.

The temperatures should be as constant as possible, the Venus flytrap cannot tolerate strong fluctuations.

Before moving the plants outside, slowly get them used to the new location. Direct sunlight should be avoided in the first few days. Then increase the time in the direct sun by the hour.

How is the Venus flytrap properly overwintered?

Venus fly traps are not hardy. Temperatures should never drop below 5 degrees. However, the plant must be cooler in winter than in summer. The ambient temperature should be between 5 and 12 degrees. Do not place the Venus flytrap directly in the sun in winter and avoid drafts.

In winter the plant needs less moisture than in summer. Therefore water less often, once a month is usually sufficient. But never let the substrate dry out completely, as the plant will then die.

The Venus flytrap almost stops growing in winter. Only a few small traps also grow in the cold season.


the Venus flytrap belongs to the genus of sundew plants. It occurs naturally in a very limited area in the United States. In local regions, the carnivorous plant is cultivated exclusively as a houseplant.