Fight whitefly with mint

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Plant mint


  • sunny to partially shaded
  • permeable soil
  • no waterlogging
  • high water requirements in the event of intense sunlight
  • ideal underplanting of fruit trees
  • Can also be cultivated in the bucket on the balcony or on the windowsill

Attention: Mint spreads strongly and develops extensive roots. In this way, the plant displaces weeds as well as other plants with less assertiveness.

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Mint comes in numerous types. The best known is probably the peppermint, which symbolically embodies the typical aroma. The great thing about this natural control agent is that mint can also be used in a culinary way. The different types vary in taste. Which strain you use for the control of the whitefly is rather irrelevant. The following types are particularly recommended:

  • Indian mint
  • Horse mint
  • or catnip

Catnip has another advantage for pet owners. The four-legged friends love both the taste and the smell and love to nibble on the stems. Catnip is like a candy for your velvet paw.

Year-round protection

If you are not growing your mint in a pot, you will unfortunately have to do without the herb in winter. Clear way for the whitefly? Hardly likely! Dry the leaves and stems and rub them into fine powder with the mortar. You can use it to fill scented sachets that you hang up in the apartment.

By the way: Mint not only drives white flies away, it also keeps ants away.