Detect and remove weeds

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A harmless appearance

Outwardly, the glandular balsam looks completely harmless. It grows up to 2 m high in optimal locations. Its long stems, which branch out abundantly at the end, are tinged with reddish. The leaves that adhere to them are green and have jagged edges.

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  • Kill weeds from the joints of the pavement slabs
  • Is Indian balsam edible?
  • The balsam: extremely poisonous?

From July to October, pale pink flowers reminiscent of orchids emerge. They are the most distinctive feature of this plant. The pharynx flowers, which stand together in clusters, smell sweet and attract insects. But the harmless appearance of the balsam is deceptive ...

Inside, a merciless neophyte

Anyone who comes too close to the glandular balsam at the time its capsule fruits are ripe must expect bad projectiles. The capsules burst open when touched and shoot their seeds out. It doesn't hurt physically, but it does hurt many nature lovers and gardeners in the soul.

The reason: This balsam mercilessly displaces native plants. It spreads very quickly, takes away the sun from other plants and becomes dominant. In many places it becomes a real nuisance and can be found in mass populations, especially on riparian zones.

A single plant produces up to 2,000 seeds per year! This is enormous when you consider that these seeds remain viable for many years and germinate without any problems. They are spread up to 7 m when thrown out of the capsules. If there is a body of water in the immediate vicinity, they are carried on ...

Get rid of these weeds

You can use impatiens in the following ways fight:

  • remove all sprouts
  • Remove larger plants together with their roots
  • destroy the plants before flowering
  • In any case, prevent self-sowing
  • Do not throw waste on the compost (this is where the seeds survive)
  • No way fertilize or pour


This weed is poisonous and edible at the same time. They can eat its seeds and flowers. You should refrain from eating its raw leaves and stems.