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What is important when cutting the forsythia hedge

In order for the hedge to serve its purpose, must leaves and spring bloom grow in balance.

also read

  • Creating a forsythia hedge - you have to pay attention to this!
  • It is better not to cut forsythia in autumn
  • In forsythia, the leaves appear only after flowering

In addition, it is important to ensure that the shrub is not too lignified because neither flowers nor leaves form on such shoots. These cuts are necessary to preserve the hedge:

  • Cut back
  • Topiary
  • Care cut
  • Taper cut

The best time to cut back

Forsythia tend to spread widely. Regular pruning ensures that the shrub retains its shape.

It is best to cut back in May or June after flowering. As soon as the flowers turn brown, you can use the Hedge trimmer(€ 77.00 at Amazon *) to grab. the Forsythia then has enough time to form new shoots until the next bloom.

Cut out shoots that are too close together. You can also shorten heavily drooping branches.

Form and care cut

One Forsythia hedge cannot be kept in check like other hedges. Topiary cutting is possible at any time and is limited to shortening long protruding branches.

At the Care cut continually remove dead and diseased branches.

Forsythia rejuvenate in winter

To prevent the bushes from becoming too bald, one is every two to three years Taper cut necessary.

It is best done in winter or very early spring.

In doing so, cut all the heavily lignified shoots back to the ground.

What to do with the forsythia shrub pruning?

Especially younger ones Forsythia branches can be chopped well. You can use the finely chopped shrubs to spread mulch blankets on beds or under trees.

dogs- and cat owners shouldn't leave the cut branches lying around. Forsythia are slightly poisonous and can cause discomfort in sensitive animals.

Tips & Tricks

Forsythia are not suitable as permanent privacy protection. The spring bloomers are summer green and lose all leaves in winter. Plant forsythia as a hedge therefore only where you want to be protected from prying eyes during the summer.