How to bring spring into your home

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Tulips are by far the most varied of bulb flowers and come in many different colors, filled and unfilled. You can buy these heralds of spring almost everywhere from January. The degree of freshness of a tulip is easy to see: if you run your fingers along the stem, it should squeak. In addition, may Tulips for the vase not be in full bloom yet.

When you get home, take care of the flowers as follows:

  • Strip off any leaves that would stick out into the water. That prevents putrefaction. In addition, the flowers use less water and stay beautiful longer.
  • Cut flowers fresh with a sharp knife even if this has already been done in the flower shop.
  • Never use scissors to cut them, as these will squeeze the stems and the tulips will wither quickly.
  • Position the cutter at a slight angle. This incision increases the area with which the flowers can absorb water.
  • Many tulips grow very quickly in the vase. Therefore, the vessel should be about two thirds as high as the flower stems.
  • The flower vase must be absolutely clean. It is filled with a few centimeters of cold water that is as soft as possible. Do not overfill the vase, as the stems will rot after a short time. It is better to refill some liquid every day.
  • Freshly cut stems that have become soggy after a few days.


Also at Daffodils the flower should not have fully opened yet. The heralds of spring secrete a slime that wilts other flowers in the vase. Permit Daffodils therefore under yourself or put the flowers in a separate vase for 24 hours. Only then arrange these in the container with the tulips and do not cut the heralds of spring again.


These colorful cut flowers will be available from December. With good care, the large flowers can last up to two weeks in the apartment:

  • Cut the stems fresh with a sharp knife.
  • Fill a clean vase with cold, soft water to which you can add a little freshness-retaining agent.
  • Ranunculus are very thirsty, but they don't like being in water up to their necks. It is better to top up with some liquid every other day.
  • These heralds of spring are sensitive to direct warmth and drafts. Therefore, put the flowers in a sheltered place.


To clean flower vases, you can use the same means that are used in the bathroom. These reliably remove lime and germs.

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