Ideas for design and planting

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Regardless of which design and size you choose, it will develop its right and unique flair the new garden pond only with your very individual design ideas, such as the Planting. Creativity but also a little skill are decisive for the overall appearance of an ornamental pond, especially with the seamless transition between the swamp zone and the dry area. The areas of life of the Aquatic plants are not necessarily classified in such a way that they can be pigeonholed as they can adapt themselves quite well to the different conditions in their area of ​​life. Still you can for your design ideas between two large families of aquatic plants Select:

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Plants below the surface of the water

Also called hydrophytes, they grow completely or to a large extent under water and inspire the most diverse design ideas for garden ponds in the bank area. You thrive as underwater, floating leaf or floating plants

thus, although hidden, are for the biological balance and the breakdown of Seaweed indispensable. Some important representatives that you should definitely take into account for your personal garden pond ideas are:

  • Horn leaf (Ceratophyllum)
  • Water hose (Utricularia)
  • Waterweed (Elodea)
  • Yellow pond rose (Nuphar lutea)
  • Water lily (nymphaea)

Marsh plants for design ideas above water

In the so-called helophytes, the vegetative part is located together with the reproductive organs of the Plants above water, the sometimes very strong root systems, on the other hand, grow in the muddy soil. The riparian zones for the planting hold best if they are laid out in steps, as the plants and their substrates stay on Slopes none Find a reliable hold and run away downwards. Here, too, some examples of the best-known representatives:

  • Rose primroses (Primula rosea)
  • Pennywort (Lysimachia nummularia)
  • Juggler flower (Mimulus)
  • Swamp-Calla (Calla palustris)
  • Marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)

Planting with dexterity

As with the construction of the garden pond, a lucky hand is also required with the design ideas. With a little skill, the pond plants can be integrated directly into the loose substrate, or you can use them Baskets and bags as an aid to fixationso that they stay in their intended place and do not drift down the slope.


If you want to enjoy your pond plants throughout the year, you should definitely follow the flowering sequence Note and move towards the bank edges starting at the middle of the pond with its garden pond ideas work ahead.

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