Planting water lilies without soil

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Practical planting in the plant basket

Water lilies are not planted in the pond floor, but in special pond plant baskets. They find support there and also remain mobile at all times. So you can easily lower them into the optimal water depth and, if necessary, also back out of the pond remove.

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  • Plant water lilies in the pond - like a pro
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Also the care the water lily is easier to carry out because it is used for repotting and cutting can easily be taken out of the water.


Choose the Plant basket(€ 13.29 at Amazon *) suitable for the water lily variety or the size of the plant. Inquire also about the optimal water depth, as this varies from variety to variety.

It doesn't work entirely without a substrate

So that the water lily is properly anchored in the plant basket, a substrate cannot be completely dispensed with. However, it must be made in such a way that it does not have the disadvantages of the fine earth. So it has to be purely mineral, without organic components. Gravel and crushed stone work well as long as it is a type of stone that is low in lime, such as granite. Even

Clay granules works well, can even store oxygen.

Use the ideal gravel size

Special water lily substrate is available in stores. But you can too mix the water lily substrate yourself. The gravel grain size must not be too fine.

  • from 2 mm
  • up to max. 5 mm
  • possibly. use larger stones to weigh down

Plant the water lily

Fill 2/3 of the planting basket with substrate. Lay water lilies with rhizomes flat on top. Plant all other water lilies vertically. Fill the rest of the pot with substrate. The eyes and saplings of the water lily still have to protrude from the substrate. If necessary, you can also weigh down the water lily with a few larger stones.


Water lilies without a pronounced rhizome find a better hold and take root more quickly if some clay is added to the substrate.

Lower the plant basket gradually

A basket freshly planted with water lilies should not be immediately placed in its final location. Instead, it should be gradually lowered as the growth progresses. In this way, leaf formation requires less energy.