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Propagate butterwort from cuttings

The easiest way to do this is Butterwort Propagate via cuttings. The best time for reproduction is late summer.

  • Cut the leaves with the stem
  • Fill pots with white peat or carnivore soil
  • Put leaves in moist substrate
  • Keep the substrate well moist
  • Cover with a plastic hood if necessary

also read

  • Obtaining seeds from butterwort yourself
  • Interesting facts about butterwort species
  • Propagate Venus flytrap via seeds or division

Use a sharp, clean knife to cut the cuttings so that the cut is smooth. A piece of the stalk must remain on the leaf.

The stem of the leaf cutting is so deep into the Potting soil inserted so that only the sheet peeks out. Keep the soil well moist, but avoid waterlogging. Place the cutting warm and bright.

Propagate butterwort from seeds

Butterwort seeds are available from well-stocked specialist shops. But you can also try to obtain seeds yourself. If you grow pinguicula in the house, you have to do the fertilization yourself with a brush.

The typical seed pouches are formed from the faded flowers. The black seed falls out as soon as it is ripe. To catch it, you can wrap the flower in a bag.

Let the seed dry well so that you can sow it the following year.

How to sow butterwort

The best time to sow butterwort is spring. First prepare growing vessels with carnivore soil or a mixture of white peat, quartz, sand and some clay.

Do not scatter the seeds too densely on the surface and press them lightly. Pinguicula is one of the light germs and must not be covered with substrate.

Put the pots in a partially shaded but bright place. Keep the surface moist, avoid waterlogging. After emergence, prick out the young plants.


There are several native butterwort species in Germany. All of them are threatened with extinction due to changed environmental conditions and are protected. Therefore, never take seeds or plants of Pinguicula from the wild.

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