These species are thorny

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Deciduous trees with thorns - an overview

In addition to the deciduous trees listed here, some acacia species also have thorns. However, the Acacieae, which come from the tropics and subtropics, according to the correct botanical name, are not sufficiently hardy in our country and can therefore only be kept in pots.

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Wild Prunus species

Plums as well as mirabelle plums, Renekloden, plums and apricots have in their Wild form often thorns, which, however, often lose themselves as the tree or shrub gets older. Thorny plums are often seedlings of cultivated forms or wild shoots that grow from the substrate of a graft.

Wild apple (Malus sylvestris)

The wild apple, also known as crab apple or crab apple, which is widespread in Central Europe, develops numerous withering short shoots. Incidentally, this is not the original form of our cultivated apple (Malus domestica) - it most likely comes from the Asian wild apple (Malus sieversii).

Wild pear (pyrus pyraster)

Like the wild apple, the wild or wooden pear also belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). Like many members of the family, this tree, which can reach heights of up to 20 meters, has twigs and branches reinforced with thorns.

Holly (Ilex)

The native holly is an evergreen, mostly multi-stemmed large shrub or a tree that grows up to ten meters high. The coarse, single, glossy dark green leaves, which are more or less strongly corrugated and spiky serrated at the edge, are striking. Thus, the thorns do not appear on the branches, but on the leaves.

American Gleditschia (Gleditsia triacanthos)

In the Gleditschie it is a solitary tree that is often planted in parks and along streets. The deciduous tree, which grows between ten and 25 meters high, has a loose, irregular and broadly spreading crown. Numerous strong, simple or branched thorns can be formed on the trunk and branches.

Common black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)

Robinia, which grows up to 25 meters high, is often incorrectly referred to as "acacia", but is only very distantly related to it. Its twigs and young branches are typically armed with strong thorns. The black locust is one of the most nectar and sugar-rich beehives for bees.


If you go for a walk on a Deciduous tree with small cones meet, it is not a botanical sensation: Instead, alder trees form cone-like fruits.