In the pond or in the aquarium

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Use in the aquarium

Anyone who owns an aquarium is very likely to have to plant a hornwort. With its rapid growth, it is ideal for replanting. Hornwort can reach a height of up to 1.5 m in the aquarium. This should be taken into account when planting. Specifically, it means that it is in good hands in the rear area of ​​the pelvis.

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Use in the pond

Hornwort also develops its useful properties in a garden pond, whether small or large. Due to the high growth, it should be planted in deep places in the pond. Plant that Hornwort against waterweedso that the equally useful waterweed does not multiply too much.

Procurement of a plant

Hornwort, or horn leaf, can be purchased in stores or taken from a local body of water. It should be planted as soon as possible, because it only feels comfortable in water. Separated shoots of an existing plant can also be used Multiplication to be planted.

Check living conditions

In order for the hornwort to thrive in the water, you should check before planting whether ideal living conditions are waiting for it.

  • soft water
  • with plenty of nutrients
  • Temperature over 16 degrees Celsius
  • lots of light

Hornwort roots

The hornwort has no real roots. Rather, it forms root-like runners. That doesn't make planting easy. If left to its own devices, the horn leaf lives as a floating plant that moves close to the surface of the water.

Plant hornwort

Although the hornwort does not have proper roots, it does not have to float freely in the water. It can be moored in a specific place. But never plant it in pond or aquarium soil. The delicate stems will soon decompose and the entire plant will die.

It is possible for the hornwort to be held on the ground by weighting it down or tying it up. Be careful when doing this, because the vines of the hornwort are brittle.

  • Place the horn leaf at a slight angle
  • weight down with stones or pieces of wood
  • alternatively tie tufts together with wire
  • then anchor in the ground

In the pond, the hornwort is simply sunk into the water at a deep point and left to its own devices.


The hornwort can get very high, but remains narrow. So plant it in groups so that it comes out better.