Rooting citrus cuttings in water »This is how it's done

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Choice of cuttings

Unlike the sowing Propagation by cuttings is, so to speak, a cloning of the mother plant. Your new specimen will resemble the original plant in all its properties. Basically it is possible to take a cutting from every citrus tree. For the reason mentioned, this is not recommended for stunted stature. Therefore, choose a healthy mother plant with many beneficial properties.

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Requirements for the cutting

In order for the rooting to succeed in water, the cutting must have the following properties:

  • half woody shoot from the previous year
  • at least 10 to 15 cm long
  • at least two buds and two pairs of leaves

Cut cuttings

If the selected mother plant has the appropriate requirements, you can take as many cuttings as you want. Remember, however, that the young shoots are important carbohydrate stores in the citrus plant. Every cut weakens the tree.

In order not to cause damage to the mother plant and to make it easier for pests to penetrate, you should only use sterile, sharp tools. A clean cut is essential. Saws or do not tear off the shoot. Such wounds are slow and difficult to heal.
You should also apply the knife at a slight angle. An inclined interface makes it easier for the cutting to absorb water later.

Root formation in water

Now put the cutting in a glass with fresh water. Since the young shoots without roots but cannot yet soak up liquid, it is important for to ensure sufficient humidity so that the young plants quench their thirst with the air can. To do this, spray the leaves daily. Only when small roots form do the cuttings benefit from the fresh water that surrounds them.
Your young plants will soon be ready to be moved into the bed.