Preserving juice »How to extend the shelf life

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Preserving juice without a juicer

  1. Heat the finished juice to 72 degrees and hold that temperature for twenty minutes.
  2. If you wish, you can add sugar to the juice. Stir until all the crystals have dissolved.
  3. In the meantime, sterilize the glass bottles and lids in boiling water for ten minutes. To prevent the vessels from bursting, you should heat everything at the same time.
  4. Juice with one funnel(€ 4.58 at Amazon *) fill in the wrong ones. There should be a three centimeter wide margin towards the top.
  5. Immediately unscrew the lid and turn the vessels over.
  6. Let cool down at room temperature.
  7. Check that all lids are firmly seated, write on them, store in a cool and dark place.

Preserve juice from the steam extractor

If you extract juices with the steam extractor, you can save yourself the additional heating:

  1. Immediately pour the juice obtained into sterilized bottles, close them and turn the vessels upside down.
  2. Turn over after 5 minutes and let cool at room temperature.
  3. Check that all lids are tightly seated, write on them, store in a cool and dark place.

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This way the juice will keep for a few months. If you want an even longer shelf life, you can also preserve the juice.

Reduce the juice

  1. Place the bottles, which are filled up to three centimeters below the rim and sealed with a lid, on the grate of the automatic cooker.
  2. Pour in enough water so that half of the vessels are in the liquid. # Preserve at 75 degrees for half an hour.
  3. Take out the bottles and let them cool down at room temperature.
  4. Check whether all lids are firmly seated, write on, store in a cool and dark place.

Preserve juice by freezing

Cold-pressed juice contains most of the vitamins. To preserve it without loss, you can simply freeze it.

  • Pour the juice into well-rinsed screw-top glasses.
  • These should only be filled three-quarters full, as the liquid expands when it freezes.
  • Put these in the freezer.


You can also pour freshly squeezed juices into ice cube trays and freeze them. If necessary, the cubes can be easily removed individually. If you add this to mineral water, you will get a very aromatic and healthy spritzer.

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