When can you mow freshly sown lawns?

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When you are allowed to step on and mow the freshly sown lawn depends on various factors. This includes, for example, the time of sowing and the weather, as well as the length of the stalk. We will show you what you have to be aware of.

Time of sowing

The optimal time for sowing is between April and May. Depending on the temperature, germination can be expected after seven to 28 days. If it was not possible to sow in spring, you can do so between August and September. However, germination may then take longer.

Accordingly, you can only mow later. Again, this can be difficult in colder regions when frost is already emerging. Because then the lawn can be damaged.


The current weather of course contributes significantly to the germination time and growth of the plants. Temperatures

of around 20 ° C and light precipitation are optimal. During prolonged or heavy rain, the seeds can be washed away, creating bare patches on the lawn.
Fresh lawn

This makes it necessary to re-sow. However, this should only be done after mowing. Otherwise the shortening will be delayed and the result will be uneven.

Lawn type

There are mainly three different types of lawn plants. The division is made into:

  • Resilience
  • Location
  • purpose of use

There are varieties especially for the shade and others that are particularly suitable for frequent use. The most common are:

  • Shadow lawn
  • Sports and play lawn
  • Ornamental lawn

Depending on the type

Attention should also be paid to the height of the stalk. This is a decisive indication of when to cut. With shadow lawns, more chlorophyll is required due to the lower light and thus a stalk height between nine and ten centimeters.
Lawn seeds

For ornamental breeds, 8.0 to 8.5 centimeters are sufficient for the first cut. Sports and play breeds for heavier loads can even be cut with a stalk height of seven to eight centimeters.

One-thirds rule

The one-third rule is that only the top third of the stalks may be cut. With grass nine centimeters long, that means shortening it to six centimeters. If the lawn has already grown taller, measure the length with a ruler and divide it by three. The calculated length may be cut off.

Note: This rule enables the turf to be compacted without taking away too much strength. Therefore, if the grass is very long, it is better to cut it in stages.


The timing of mowing is not the only decisive factor. Other factors also play a role. These include, among others:

  • Soil condition
  • the right cutting tool
  • weather


the surface accordingly by leveling and smoothing it. Cut on dry days when the sun is not shining and the lawn is not damp. Also, make sure that the lawnmower's cutting blades are freshly sharpened. Otherwise, the cutting tools can tear the lawn plants out of the ground.
cut the lawn

This is the case when the stalks are not yet properly rooted. In any case, wait for the correct length before entering and cutting the lawn. Also check the wire, knife or cord beforehand and keep them clean and functional.

Another disadvantage is that a blunt cutting tool does not straighten the cut surfaces. Instead, they fray and are therefore a target for diseases and parasites.

Tip: Avoid walking on the lawn for a day if possible before mowing. When they are used, stalks bend over and the mowing result is not even.

care and protection

After the first mow, you should continue to be careful with the lawn. If possible, you should not enter it immediately after the cut. It is also important to water it sufficiently and, if the soil has not been prepared beforehand, to fertilize it.

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