How To Treat Them Right (Syringa)

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Be careful when pruning: do not cut away any buds!

One of the most common reasons for a failure to flower when it comes to lilacs, pruning is at the wrong time: Syringa forms the buds for flowering next year on the new shoots immediately after this year's branches have withered. Cut So if you open the shrub too late and possibly cut the new, bud-bearing shoots, the flowering will fail next year. There are three ways to prevent this:

  • They regularly brush out what has faded instead of cutting back the lilacs all at once.
  • You cut the lilac as soon as it fades.
  • You leave all budding new shoots and only cut the old wood.

also read

  • Magnolia: Buds form before winter
  • Lilac has faded - now it's time to prune
  • How often should you water lilacs?

After pruning, the lilac is also fertilized with compost and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) Well. Don't overdo it, however, as over-fertilization can prevent bud formation.

Protect buds from late frosts

Another reason for not blooming is very late in spring frostwhich freezes the flower buds that have already opened. To prevent this, you should keep the buds bursting from approx. March with a

Garden fleece cover and protect from frost damage. This protection is particularly important during night frosts. If it is warmer again during the day, remove the fleece.

Fungal infestation does not stop at the buds either

Lilac is quite sensitive to you Fungal attackwhich is particularly noticeable on the leaves, but also on the shoots, branches and of course the flower buds. If a tree or shrub that was healthy up to that point suddenly begins to wilt, i. H. gets dry shoots and its leaf and flower buds do not break open, then Verticillium mushrooms are often behind it. Make sure to cut the lilac deep into the healthy wood and treat it either with fungicides from the gardening market or organically with a brew you have prepared yourself Field horsetail.


When cutting back new shoots, always make sure that they are only shortened to just above the existing buds.

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