Plants and wall plants for rock gardens

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Planting a rock garden is an important thing, because with the right plants a hobby gardener can save a lot of work in the care. The creation of a rock garden is very difficult at first, but afterwards it is all the more enjoyable and requires surprisingly little maintenance. This is mainly due to the fact that the mountain plants mainly used show very slow growth and are very undemanding to the soil conditions. They do best in dry and poor soil, which allows for little weed growth.
Weed infestation is usually also reduced by surrounding the plants with a layer of pebbles or chalk chippings. However, for a rock garden in the sun, only plants that have the Like the sun, and the sun worshipers among the mountain plants thrive more poorly in partial shade than Law. It is therefore advisable to have a planting plan for a rock garden that takes into account the special needs of the desired plants.

Ideal plants for a rock garden

For a rock garden, most hobby gardeners prefer low plants or even dwarf plants that have developed on mountainous ground. They are adapted to the unfavorable living conditions and are mostly frost hardy and easy to care for. Many of the popular rock garden plants are well known to the general public, such as edelweiss or gentian. This also includes the cyclamen or the wild tulip. but

Blue pillows and sun rose can also be found in many pretty rock gardens. Carnations and sun rose are among the particularly lush flowering plants in a stone bed that are interesting Form a contrast to grasses such as the bluegrass or bear grass or also look good next to herbs such as thyme or lavender come. Popular plants in many hillside gardens are also dwarf trees such as the dwarf mountain pine or hanging willow. These trees, which remain extremely small, also have the advantage that they only grow slightly each year and are also pretty to look at in winter. A rock garden can be designed in such a way that it is attractive in summer as well as in the winter months and delights the garden lover.

Plants for a wall trim

Some plants are especially good for growing near a wall or right in a wall. They create a very lively masonry and are a unique eye-catcher. Alyssum is suitable for wall planting as well as in a rock garden. Depending on the variety, it blooms from March to May and offers a colorful spectacle. Most wall plants are cushion perennials like the blue pillows. They bloom in May and come in shades of blue-purple, white, and pink. Hornwort, which blooms white from May to June, is also interesting. The different varieties of Sedum are ideal for planting on a garden wall as well

for trimming on a house roof. There are several wild-growing Sedum species that are very pretty to look at and the Sedum, also known as spicy stonecrop, is a fast-growing wall cover. The saxifrage is also very pretty to look at. It used to be a popular plant on roofs as it supposedly prevents lightning strikes. It blooms in reddish-white tones.

Rock garden setting with a claim

Although most rock garden plants are hungry and need little water, there are some specimens that require more care and attention. These include the different types of primroses, the man's shield and the gentians. They absolutely need drainage in the soil, as they cannot tolerate waterlogging, but at the same time attach importance to an adequate water supply. These plants also prove to be only partially hardy and need appropriate lighting conditions for them to thrive.
For rock garden lovers with experience, beautiful plants like the pasque flower, which shows a bell-like flower shape, are also suitable. Many hobby gardeners also discover the peony for their stone beds, which is not that simple in its demands, but shows wonderfully pretty flowers. Miniature roses are also suitable for stocking in a rock garden, although they have special requirements for wintering.
Plants for a rock garden

  • Upholstered perennials of all kinds such as blue pillows
  • Ground cover like hot stonecrop
  • Grasses like bluegrass
  • Herbs like thyme
  • Trees such as dwarf mountain pines
  • Dwarf roses
  • Wild tulips

Planting for a wall

  • Dalmatian bell
  • Saxifraga species
  • China Sedum
  • White stonecrop
  • Hornwort
  • Cushion knotweed

Care for wall plants

The care of the wall planting is usually quite easy if the selection is right. Since these plants are usually very frugal in terms of their water and nutrient requirements, it is all the more important to put the right plant in the right location. For that you simply have to do the daily

The sun must be observed, otherwise a sunlight-loving plant will only get shade for most of the day, which leads to poor growth. So 'sun friends' among the plants belong in places of the wall where they get plenty of sun.
If the lighting conditions are mixed, plants that feel comfortable in partial shade are more suitable. For the pure shady side, there are also some very pretty plants that give a wall the right whistle. The topsoil for planting should be free of all root weeds such as couch grass, groundgrass or bindweed, as these otherwise displace the desired plants. A mixture of 2 parts clay soil, 1 part peat and 1 part sand is considered good soil.
Worth knowing about wall plants in brief
  • Blue pillow and stone herb species, which bloom over and over in spring, are undemanding and unfold their magical colors most impressively if you let them proliferate over wall heels.
  • More hidden, but no less attractive, is the charm of the many different houseleeks that develop splendidly in wall joints and crevices.
  • High mountain plants, on the other hand, are more difficult to keep, such as the gentian with its bright blue, trumpet-like flowers. Some species make great demands on your instinct.
  • If you want to include walls and walls in the design of your garden, it is advisable to use fast-growing wall plants that often have very decorative flowers: climbing hydrangea, honeysuckle and maiden vines are just some of the possible ones Growths.

The editors' conclusion

The right choice of planting for a rock garden or a wall ensures that the hobby gardener will have less work and much more pleasure in their garden later. Most plants are particularly undemanding when it comes to water and nutrients. However, it is difficult for them to prevail against weeds or fast-growing competition. But many plants are particularly frost-hardy. A hobby gardener who listens and informs himself in advance of the planting can save himself a lot of time and effort. But a magnificent rock garden blooms for him.

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