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Interesting facts about the ornamental grasses

A distinction is initially made between four plant families:

  • Real grasses or sweet grasses
  • Sourgrass or sedge
  • Rushes
  • Cattail plants

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Another point of difference is their lifespan: a distinction is made between annual and perennial ornamental grasses.
The annual grasses grow from seeds in the spring, become adult grasses in the course of the summer, and in the autumn again shed seeds for the next generation.
The perennial grasses are perennials, which with appropriate care measures over several years in Perennial bed can be cultivated.

The appearance of the grass

As already mentioned, ornamental grasses are characterized by a wide variety. They are available in all possible shades of color, from green to brown and yellow to fine silver or gray. In the course of the year one can observe a color change in most of the grasses. Some species, such as the riding grass or pipe grass, impress with their splendid autumn colors.

In addition to the color variants, the different height of the species is also interesting. The giant grasses, which can grow up to four meters high in favorable locations, are the most spectacular. Such grass is the absolute eye-catcher in the garden. In addition to the large ornamental grasses, the small and very small specimens also beautify the perennial bed. Some small varieties grow stiffly upright, while others have long, narrow leaves hanging gently down to the ground in a gentle curve.

The best location

The location is different for each ornamental grass. Riding grass, Pipe grass and Chinese reeds, for example, prefer a sunny spot in the garden, while the evergreen sedges and grove grow in the shade.
The soil for the ornamental grasses should be loose, rich in nutrients and humus, and not have any waterlogging.

Examples of ornamental grasses

All year round green grasses are, for example, the giant sedge, the blue-green rush or the grove. Some grasses develop fruit clusters as they grow. Here, on the one hand, the feather grasses that form small and inconspicuous fruit stands and, on the other hand, the conspicuous fruit stands of cotton grass or silver ear grass.
The best known are the panicles of Chinese silver grass and pampas grass.