Causes and measures (tree of life)

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Why is the thuja turning brown?

There are a number of causes that cause thuja needles to turn brown. Most discoloration is caused by improper maintenance. But also Diseases and Pest infestation can turn the tree of life brown. Sometimes the tan is due to external circumstances.

  • Thuja is too dry / too wet
  • Overfertilization
  • Road salt in winter
  • Hedge cut in the sun
  • Diseases
  • Pests

also read

  • Thuja Brabant turns brown - causes and remedies
  • The thuja in the pot turns brown - causes of brown needles
  • Thuja turns brown! What to do?

If the arborvitae gets brown tips after cutting, you have probably cut when the weather is too good. Choose for the Cut back a cloudy day on which it shouldn't rain.

If you're unsure why the thuja is turning brown, examine the needles, shoots, and stem closely. A remedy can only be found if you know the correct causes.

This is how the thuja hedge will turn green again

If only a few shoots of the thuja are affected, there is hope that the hedge will turn green again. You simply cut off any infected shoots. However, you must not cut behind the green area or even into the waste wood. There the tree of life no longer sprouts and remains bare.

If half the tree is affected, the thuja can often no longer be opened save. Then you'd better dig them up and replace them with new trees of life.

In the event of a fungal attack, you must replace the soil before replanting, as the fungal spores are hidden in it. This is especially true if the sick tree of life has suffered from root rot.

Caring for thuja properly

In most cases, the right care ensures that the thuja hedge remains beautifully green and healthy:

  • water regularly even in winter!
  • Prevent waterlogging
  • do not over-fertilize

Thuja likes it neither too dry nor too wet. In the first few years you have to water a tree of life hedge regularly, later whenever it is very dry outside.

Fertilize You with organic fertilizers like compost, Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) or crap. If you use mineral fertilizers, strictly follow the instructions. At the Fertilize of trees of life, less is often more!

Fight diseases and pests

If the brown needles or shoots were triggered by a disease or a pest infestation, cut off all infected parts. Dispose of the cuttings in the household waste and not in the compost.

Provide the thuja hedge with after a disease infestation Soil activator. As a result, the thuja strengthen themselves and survive illnesses better.

Always use clean tools for cutting so that you do not transmit diseases or pests. Clean the scissors carefully after use.


In autumn, many thujas turn brown and dry inside. Many needles then simply fall off. This is a natural process and not a cause for concern.

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