This is how you provide them with nutrients

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Fertilize aquatic plants regularly - yes or no?

Practice shows that aquatic plants cannot be grown regularly fertilize got to. Only a few pond owners and hobby gardeners swear by supplying their pond beauties with fertilizer like all other plants in the garden.

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Caution: Regular fertilization quickly leads to over-fertilization of aquatic plants, which in turn leads to rot and burning. In addition, too many nutrients remain in the pond water due to the constant administration. The unsightly consequence: Algae formation.

Fertilize aquatic plants only when necessary

When it comes to fertilizing aquatic plants, you should react rather than act. That means: Only introduce fertilizers into the natural cycle of the pond water when the plants indicate that they need it. But even then, the following always applies: less is more. So use fertilizer sparingly.

How to recognize the need

  • If you put aquatic plants in your pond, you do NOT have to fertilize them first.
  • If the plants show signs of deficiency, you can add some fertilizer. Potential deficiency symptoms include a yellowish discoloration and a relatively poor bloom. But even if such "symptoms" occur, you should check before fertilizing whether a too dense plant population in the pond is not the cause of the problem.

Warning: aquatic plants that change color are not necessarily sick. Especially in the autumn season, pond plants often get a reddish-brown color.

If you are unsure whether there is a nutrient deficiency in the water, you should measure the iron content before taking any specific action. Corresponding tests are available inexpensively in hardware stores and garden centers.

Fertilize aquatic plants properly - this is how it works

The fertilization takes place via a fertilizer cone or a fertilizer tablet. Press the respective agent directly into the ground.

Important: This type of fertilization is much gentler than fertilization directly over the water. It is not as effective in terms of effectiveness, which is an advantage in terms of algae growth.

Use low to low phosphate fertilizers without exception!


You can You can also make fertilizer for your aquatic plants yourself.

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