The most beautiful varieties at a glance

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Evergreen barberry - beautiful in beds and buckets all year round

The following barberries wear their dense foliage all year round. Creative gardeners appreciate this advantage when winter drives out perennials, flowers and deciduous trees from the appearance of the garden.

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Variety name botanical name Height Flower color, flowering time special feature Tip for using
Large-leaved barberry Berberis julianae 200 to 300 cm pure yellow flowers from May to June strong thorns up to 4 cm long, particularly frost-resistant Privacy hedge, solitary
Yolk barberry Berberis stenophylla 150 to 200 cm yolk yellow flowers from May to June black-frosted berries in autumn Space-forming hedge, single position, bucket
Red jewel Berberis media 120 to 150 cm yellow sea of ​​flowers in May and June shiny red shoots, later dark green with a purple sheen Group trees, Embankment greening, Single position, bucket
Jytte Berberis candidula 80 to 100 cm yellow bell flowers from May to June pillow-shaped habit low hedge, grave planting, tubs, heather garden
Verrucandi Berberis frikartii 80 to 150 cm yellow flowers in May arching, thorny branches Dwarf hedge, property edging,

Deciduous varieties boast colorful fall foliage

Summer-green Berberis species say goodbye to the winter break with a furious autumn spectacle that lets the later fall of leaves get over. The following varieties score with unique attributes for an imaginative design of beds and balconies:

Variety name botanical name Height Flower color, flowering time special feature Tips for using
Common barberry, buckthorn Berberis vulgaris 100 to 250 cm yellow cup flowers from April to June undemanding and particularly easy to care for Nourishing wood for birds, underplanting of tall trees, tubs, cemetery planting
Blood barberry 'Atropurpurea' Berberis thunbergii 200 to 300 cm yellow flowers in May and June dark red foliage the ideal privacy hedge
Dwarf barberry 'Aurea' Berberis thunbergii 50 to 80 cm golden yellow flowers bright yellow leaves in summer Eye-catcher on the balcony, container plant, solitary in the front yard
Harlequin Berberis thunbergii 50 to 100 cm nondescript pink variegated decorative leaves Ornamental wood for all sunny to partially shaded locations


The colorful berries are much more than decorative fruit decorations in the autumn garden. Gardeners who are close to nature do not miss the opportunity and to harvest the ripe, juicy fruits in autumn. With their sour aroma, barberry berries are perfect for preparation as fruity jam or refreshing syrup.

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