It works with these methods

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Cut cuttings

You can obtain offshoots during the entire growing season. Because the plant is regular cut should be in order to develop many flowers, clippings are always produced that you can use for breeding.

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Head cuttings form roots particularly quickly. These are the topmost shoot tips with about two pairs of leaves. It is cut off directly above the third pair of leaves, so that a small stem is created.

Prepare the potty

Fill in small Growing pots(€ 16.68 at Amazon *) or multi-pot plates with Potting soil and press it lightly. Moisten the substrate with a sprayer without soaking it completely.

  • Prepared Convertible rose cuttings put in the ground.
  • Cover the vessels with a hood or a transparent plastic bag.
  • Place in a bright, shady place.
  • Ventilate regularly to avoid rot.
  • Keep the substrate evenly moist.

After just two to three weeks, roots will have formed and the little plants will develop new leaves.

Cultivation in water

Rooting in a glass of water also works very well. For this purpose, the cutting should be about ten centimeters. In the lower area, the leaves are removed so that only two pairs of leaves remain. Place the glass in a bright place at normal room temperature without direct sunlight.

Within about two weeks, the cuttings of the convertible rose form roots. Do not leave the cuttings in the water for too long, as the fine roots would grow together into a ball and can then hardly be separated. plants The offshoots in with commercially available Potting soil or pots filled with potting soil, where the small plants quickly develop into stately convertible roses.


Always use sharp cutting tools to avoid crushing the mother plant. Plant stems injured in this way tend to rot, which in turn can lead to plant diseases.