Raising ornamental quince as a bonsai

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How do you make a bonsai from an ornamental quince?

Before you start working, you have to decide whether you want your bonsai to be outside in the garden or in the apartment. Because outdoors, a bonsai can easily grow to around 90 cm, in the apartment you may have less space. Depending on the size, you then choose the planter.

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the Ornamental quince you can either buy it as a blank, as a finished bonsai or as a garden plant and then cut it into shape yourself. On the one hand, this is a question of price, and on the other hand, it depends on your skills or wishes. So now it's time to cut.

How do you cut a bonsai?

Bonsais come in different shapes, for example double trunk, multiple trunk, freely upright and inclined shapes or the cascade shape. In principle, the ornamental quince is suitable for all shapes, although the downward-growing cascade and semi-cascade shapes are quite difficult to grow. Which shape did you choose? Technical literature or the Internet will explain the exact cut to you step by step.

How do you care for a bonsai?

In the warm season, your ornamental quince bonsai likes to stand outside on the balcony or terrace. He likes the sunlight and the warmth. Make sure, however, that the flowers do not get frost, otherwise they will fall off. It is better to put the plant back in the apartment overnight in spring.

Water your ornamental quince abundantly in the summer. If it is in the sun, it may need water several times a day. Alternatively, you can place the plant in the Penumbra place, but there it will form fewer flower buds. After flowering fertilize Keep your ornamental quince regularly until the leaves fall off in autumn. Commercially available fertilizer cones can make this work easier for you.

The most important tips for bonsai beginners:

  • Set size
  • Choose shape
  • cut
  • maintain well
  • prune regularly


The ornamental quince only blooms on old wood, so it must not be pruned too much.