The white dead nettle »In the profile

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Nothing but mere facts

  • Plant family: Mint
  • Botanical name: Lamium album
  • Home: Europe, North Asia
  • Occurrence: Gardens, meadows, forest edges, roadsides, bushes
  • Growth: upright, herbaceous
  • Leaves: heart-shaped to ovate, hairy, roughly toothed
  • Flowering period: May to September
  • Flowers: lip-flowers, whirling, white
  • Fruits: four-part split fruits
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Soil: nutrient-rich, moist
  • Special features: edible, medicinal
  • Effect: antibacterial, blood purifying, diuretic, expectorant, antispasmodic

Many names for this nitrogen gauge

The White Dead nettle is known under the other names flower nettle, bee suction, cuckoo nettle and white nettle. In contrast to its conspecifics, it is perennial. As a nitrogen indicator, it prefers to grow on nutrient-rich soils in wild meadows, in damp ditches and in bushes. It can be found in Europe up to altitudes of 2,000 m.

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This perennial plant can be used!

Do you fancy something new on the menu? How about the white dead nettle? It is edible and extremely rich in minerals and trace elements. It also has healing powers. It can be used, for example, for:

  • cough
  • fever
  • Colds
  • Bladder problems
  • White river
  • Gastrointestinal problems

It can be recognized by these external characteristics!

The white dead nettle has a multi-branched rhizome and square stems on the surface. It grows to a height of between 20 and 80 cm. Their leaves are arranged opposite to one another, stalked and, like the stems, hairy. They become up to 7 cm long, are heart-shaped to egg-shaped and roughly toothed on the edge.

The flowers develop in May. They stand in dummy whorls and deny theirs Heyday until September. The individual lip-flowers are hermaphroditic, five-fold and two-lipped. The arched upper lip enthrones the lower lip. Overall, the white crown is between 2 and 2.5 cm long. A honey-like fragrance emanates from the flowers.


White dead nettles are not only beautiful in the wild. They are also suitable for planting in perennial beds. There they look fantastic next to cranesbills, astilbe, ferns and hostas, for example.