When is its prime?

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Some species can hardly be distinguished from one another optically, which certainly makes it difficult to identify them precisely. If you value the longest possible flowering time, then it makes perfect sense to combine the different species. You can all do the same thing Location grow and also in theirs Care needs are they very similar.

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So that your gorse actually blooms as long and beautifully as you want it to, it should be in the right place. It only grows and blooms sparsely in the shade. plants You should therefore always put gorse in a sunny place. He really feels at home there. He will also enjoy the blazing midday sun.

The flowering time of different species of gorse:

  • Prickly thorn gorse (Calicotome spinosa): April to May
  • Gorse (Ulex europaeus): April to June
  • Common broom (Cytosis scoparius): May to June
  • Ball gorse (Genista radiata): May to August

In what colors does the gorse bloom?

It is often believed that the gorse flowers yellow. This assumption is not wrong, because this color is actually often found. However, gorse can also bloom in white, pink, red or orange and even in two colors.

Flower colors of different types of gorse:

  • Broom: golden yellow
  • Noble gorse: yellow, orange, red or yellow with red
  • Ivory broom: white, cream, pink, yellow or yellow-orange
  • Dyer's gorse: golden yellow
  • Purple gorse: prupur-pink
  • Black gorse: yellow
  • Stone gorse: golden yellow


With a combination of the different types of gorse you can achieve a long flowering time with an abundance of colors.