These remedies work effectively

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Block entrances

The best option against martens is to block all entrances. However, this is not that easy, because martens fit through small holes about 5cm in diameter. Even car owners cannot block access to the engine for martens. Martens are also excellent climbers and can jump and swim.
Therefore, if you want to keep a marten away, you should consider the following:

  • Block access to the roof through and to the Gutter.
  • Check your roof for loose tiles and secure them in place.
  • Look for cracks and holes in the wall and roof and block them with solid material.
  • Place wire mats under your car or in the attic. Martens avoid stepping on wires.

also read

  • Cat versus marten: who will win?
  • Use dog hair against martens
  • Do martens hibernate in winter?


If you are not sure how or whether the marten gets inside, you can spread lime to make the traces of the marten visible.

Keep martens away with household remedies

Not all cracks and entrances can always be found and blocked. It therefore makes sense to also use the Attic, in the barn or in the car, to use means that deter the marten. That can be B. be:

  • Fragrances that martens don't like like citrus or clove oil
  • Smell of enemy like Dog hair or fox urine (available from specialist retailers)
  • Devices in motion Light signals send out
  • Ultrasound devices (caution: also keeps useful bats away!)
  • High-voltage devices for the car